Why do my GTX 660 Ti's work seperately but not in SLI?


Apr 3, 2013
So I created a post a few days back about a similar issue, but neither were resolved and I now have more information.
I own 2 GTX 660 Ti's, one a PNY 2GB model and the other a EVGA 3GB model. When I put them both in my motherboard, they are both recognized, they both work individually, but I get no SLI option in NvidiaControlPanel.
I have have fully wiped and updated both of there drivers to match, they both run at the same clock speeds BUT they have different BIOS versions. Other than having different Memory sizes, and different manufacturers, this is essentially the only difference - at least in GPU-Z - that I could find. I've re-arranged the cards and the configuration/direction of the SLI bridge but my efforts were to no avail.
I've found other forums with people with similar issues, but none of there's had been solved; even when they changed the SLI bridges. From what I can tell this is a very uncommon problem, so anyone have anymore solutions?

If they're two of the exact same card, sure. Considering they are not the same cards, though, I really wouldn't even try it.

Bios for the PNY card (going off of OP):
Bios for the EVGA card (again going off of OP):

They are different files, and have different settings, so while it may work, that's a big chance to take, and it likely isn't the problem anyways.
Not all motherboards support SLI.
If yours does not support SLI ,you can try a software fix called Hyper SLI.
Works on a lot of motherboards but not all.
thread about it here.

If they're two of the exact same card, sure. Considering they are not the same cards, though, I really wouldn't even try it.

Bios for the PNY card (going off of OP):
Bios for the EVGA card (again going off of OP):

They are different files, and have different settings, so while it may work, that's a big chance to take, and it likely isn't the problem anyways.