Why do people buy computers?


May 8, 2015
Alright so by the thread title I don't mean laptops because I know those are pretty difficult to build (although not impossible, just very hard) Like does anyone else get this indescribable feeling of frustration when they see a Youtuber show off their new gaming computer that they BOUGHT. It really irritates me to see them knowingly (or maybe unknowingly) throwing money out the window. Like Cavemanfilms, he said "I can't build my own uh ah ah ah I'm a caveman rah." And ZexyZek (Hate him but still sometimes drop in every few months to see how bad he's become) Sorry I'm just in a ranty mood on this fine evening lol. But why do people consciously choose to spend more money on something that they could do themselves for cheaper? Thanks sorry for my stupid rant
Are you asking why people buy pre built gaming computers when they could build it for much cheaper? Thats easy because they think building a computer is a lot harder than it is, and they dont want to take the time to watch a couple of youtube videos to learn how. Or they think they will spend a bunch of money build it then have it not work. Which i can kind of understand, i was very nervous when i built my first pc. I understand where you are coming from but some people just dont have the time or the will to learn how to build a pc.
Either way, as long as they buy a PC (vs. console)! Most people that I have talked with, after building my first computer a few years ago, said they couldn't see themselves building one---even though it is not too complicated. There is definitely a learning curve. I read a bunch of Maximum PC and PC Gamer 'How-to-build' articles before purchasing $1000+ in parts. I was definitely nervous looking at a pile of boxes before assembling!

Besides, bought PCs do come with warranties and customer support. Some of the custom PCs are also amazing--especially custom exteriors/auto paint jobs, water cooling, etc. that require much more skill.

I agree. Some people just want insurance on their purchase. if you mess up your screwed if they mess up send it back.. you get my point.

Right. But people claiming to be UberTechGod or gaming guru on youtube...that is rather lame.
I can show any semi-intelligent 10 year old how to build a PC.

Yes, I believe anyone can learn.. just that some peoples fear over take their confidants.

Maybe so. But those are the people who I would not waste time on in a technical discussion. Or give them clicks/views for any computer related video.

"HerpaDerp...building a PC is too hard! But watch my gaming video, because I know what I'm talking about!"
Yeah, right.