Why do people run anti-virus software?

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Mar 6, 2007
I stopped running anti-virius software about a decade ago and I must say I can't understand why people continue to waste their money on that stuff.

I may have had a handful of virus infestations in my life, but none in the last 5 years or more...and I visit a lot of porn sites and generally have risky browsing habits.

Is there really that much of a threat if you keep your computer up to date?

ROFL :lol: Well with your browsing habits you probably are more in need of a cloned backup HDD to swap out when your system HDD goes south on you.

Internet Security protection has had to advance in the last 5yrs from just covering AV, to a host of things like Trojans, [not the condom], Worms, Malware, Spyware, Etc.

These infections have been fine tuned to get in a users computer, allow it to still run while its stealing your goodies in the process, they don't normally cause your machine to crash so you discover they're there, because then you would be forced to do something about it.

So you just blindly surf the net thinking you've dodged all the bullets because your computer is still up and running all the while everything you do is being monitored, and fed out to other sources, using all the information collected like your CC# when you use it, or surfing habits, private information, like what Lulu told you in her chat room.

Once your computer has been compromised and you have nothing what so ever to stop it from happening, all your computer data is up for grabs, but obviously you don't care about that so surf on dude. :lol:
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