Why do these CS GO errors happen so frequently?


Sep 15, 2013
Hey guys, I was playing some CS:GO and it would keep crashing sometimes after 2 minutes, sometimes after 15 or half an hour. There are two main errors shown in the video below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_peoyx89Ic&feature=youtu.be

one at 0:05 that would kick me out of game with cs:go exe has stoppped working, and another one at 0:12 where it is much stranger than the previous one. If i keep being in game in the second error, it will eventually turn off the displays and I will need to do a hard reset, but if i get into windows right away i can close the program.. Seems like driver and game bugs? How do I fix them? I didn't have any of these 5 days ago and if I remember correctly, it did a small update and then everything started crashing!

Unfortunately I verified the game files but no luck, I even deleted the whole game redownloaded it, at first I was playing for hours but then it did that small update again and it started crashing.. Dont know if it is coincidence or that update doesnt get along with my hardware.. Is there a way to stop the game from updating if no fix exist so that i can redownload it again and disable the updates?
nah because then your files wouldn't be the same as the servers and you wouldn't be allowed on. the fact that it takes 15min to do this crashing sounds weird, if you had some game drivers wrong I dont think it would take 15 min at all, are your pc temps fine?

OK thanx for the info.. kinda lame not be allowed to do that, im forced to get my game crashed cause of steam.. anyway yea my temps are perfect 48oC on the GPU and 45 on CPU (watercooled). It is quite scattered because it may crash after 2 mins or may crash after half an hour, whenever it likes :/

I'd like to report a mistake from my part! I forgot that the temps i reported where from my old 1080p 60hz monitor and not my 1440p 144hz Gsync one! After testing I got 73oC at CPU ( i7 3770k) and 62oC on GPU (980Ti Hall of Fame)... I was very surprised to see that CPU usage was reaching sometimes 75% to 80% only on CS:GO.. I had no idea that 144hz 1440p could pack such a punch lol! Anyway the reason it crashes is probably my overclocking on the CPU.. It got OC'ed from 3.9Ghz to 4.4Ghz with 1.275V from 1.1V. Temps now reach only about 53-55oC..

However I don't understand why it would suddenly become unstable it was stable for like half a year.. I guess weather getting hotter plays a role as well? or could it be that CPU's degrade over time?

Either way at stock speeds I was playing for 32minutes with 0 crashes however I'm gonna miss that beautiful 4.4 number 🙁
lol ocd 4.4. Anyway well done. Yes your cpu does degrade overtime, but I wouldn't suddenly expect the overclock to be too much for the cpu. what might be happening is you psu is struggeling and degrading. If the problem continues after you tune down the overclock thats the next thing i'd check.
If that video is yours... I love your hyperbeast 😀

Nah it's probably the CPU! While it was back at 1.265V i was getting the GTA V. exe has stopped working error, and I contacted EVGA to see if my PSU was the problem (EVGA Supernova 850 G2) They needed a report of voltages so I got them using HWinfo 64 at the moment of crashing and they said voltage suppliant looks ok! After bumping the voltage of the CPU just 0.010 (1.275) everything became excellent and I was able to game as much as I wanted to! But I believe supplying constant high voltages to a CPU will have an impact in the long run!

Anyway yea that's my hyper beast! Great skin however most of the time players follow me till I die and get it for themselves lol! 😀

That ak is currently 100euros on the market! Great unboxing! Mine is factory new but non stattrack and it is 50-60 euros! :)