Question Why does a single GPU fan uses 2 ports/headers on the GPU mobo? -GPU fan replacement stuck

Oct 3, 2023
Hi all, I've got a used Palit 2060 Super dual fan card, and its only got 1 working fan. I ordered a replacement fan from AliExpress and when I opened up the GPU, the single working fan is connected to BOTH fan headers? I've checked that the working fan does not have a splitter or anything and now I'm stuck because theres no ports available on the GPU mobo for my replacement fan mini 4pin to plug into.

How do I install the replacement fan from here? Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!


Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

What made you think that the fan on the GPU wasn't working to begin with? Often times a driver uninstalling/reinstalling takes care of the issue. What is the make and model of your PSU and it's age? BIOS version for your motherboard at this moment of time?

As for the connectors on the left, what are they hooked to? The fans on the GPU's cooler?
Oct 3, 2023
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

What made you think that the fan on the GPU wasn't working to begin with? Often times a driver uninstalling/reinstalling takes care of the issue. What is the make and model of your PSU and it's age? BIOS version for your motherboard at this moment of time?

As for the connectors on the left, what are they hooked to? The fans on the GPU's cooler?
Thanks for the warm welcome and help Lutfij!

It's a used Palit 2060 Super Dual that was sold to me with the faulty fan already removed by the owner, so now I'm trying to install a replacement fan onto the GPU shroud. I'm not sure about it's age but I'm on NVIDIA Game Ready driver version 537.34 released on 12 September 2023.

The 2 connectors on the left are both hooked to the ONE working fan on the GPU cooler, while the dangling black mini 4pin connector in the middle is that of the replacement fan with no available ports/headers to slot into.
Did they fully remove the fan and wiring or did they just remove the fan and clip the wires so they would not have to take the card apart.

Since you already have the card apart i would trace the fan wires and see where they go. From the photos i see on the internet the black plug should go to one fan and the white plug goes to the other.
Thanks for the warm welcome and help Lutfij!

It's a used Palit 2060 Super Dual that was sold to me with the faulty fan already removed by the owner, so now I'm trying to install a replacement fan onto the GPU shroud. I'm not sure about it's age but I'm on NVIDIA Game Ready driver version 537.34 released on 12 September 2023.

The 2 connectors on the left are both hooked to the ONE working fan on the GPU cooler, while the dangling black mini 4pin connector in the middle is that of the replacement fan with no available ports/headers to slot into.
Fans were maybe Daisy chained, one connected to other one which is in turn connected to Board so they work at same speed and reported as one.