I have the minecraft demo, and I wanna buy it [for pc], however, it looks like crap for some reason, the color looks all sloppy. Ive been playing the full game on the 360/one since it came out, and it never looked like this. It kinda looks like the beta/alpha. Is it just because its the demo or what? please dont just say its because its a game about blocks, I know what its supposed to look like, its the color thats annoying me.
Side note, every thing is on max settings and for some reason, I cant post a screenshot [tomshardware wont let me].
look in the settings. Turn all the quality up and see if that makes a difference. If that doesnt change anything than it may just be the fact that it is the demo.
Of course there is a difference in colours etc, even on the same monitor. I saw a picture earlier this week of screenshots of ps4/xb1/PC Fallout comparisons, vast differences.