Why does modem keep resetting


Jun 9, 2014
Ok so I have a motorola surfboard sb6121 and a vizio XWR100 router along with a ooma telephone modem. Now this used to happen a few times before, but recently its been happening multiple times daily. Every time my internet is disconnected on my laptop I look down on my modem and the lights are all off and then slowly turning back on(like if you reset it). The wireless router looks fine all the time, and the telephone modem(ooma) also looks fine. Here is a pic of my logs I took by going to https://imgur.com/4Hd9tYV

I have had this modem/router/telephone combo for about 2-3 years now.

So do you guys think I should replace the modem? Replace the router? I usually have my laptop connected(I play lots of online games) my mom streams lots of online videos, and my dad has a desktop on wifi where he browses websites/does work. I also have my phone connected as well as both of my parents phones but I dont think all these devices should be putting too much strain on my connection right?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!