[SOLVED] Why does my allotted IGPU mem show up as less than I set in BIOS?

Jan 28, 2019
So I have a Ryzen 3 3300G in an MSI Bazooka mobo with 8GB 3000mhz DDR4. I went into the BIOS to make sure the value for the integrated graphics memory was set to 2G but then in HWinfo and in the Radeon software, it shows 1G or 1.14 or something. I swear before I had a CPU OC mishap and had to restore settings on my system it was 2G in those places, and I made sure the BIOS says 2G but it still doesn't show the full amount.

I thought it maybe was 1GB per channel of RAM but that still seems odd since I swear HWinfo before said 2GB for video memory. Things still run pretty well, though it's hard to get much higher than 1280 x 1024 in Warframe without dropping framerate or turning the graphics slider down to garbage, I expect that with the current state of my build.

Any help is welcome. Thanks in advance!
There is no benefit to reserving memory for the IGP in BIOS, all it does is lock the system out of being able to use that extra space when the IGP doesn't need it. That setting's prmary purpose is to get around software which checks for VRAM size and refuses to load if it isn't happy with whatever value it receives. If the IGP needs more memory than what you reserved from BIOS, the drivers will reserve extra memory against the system pool.
There is no benefit to reserving memory for the IGP in BIOS, all it does is lock the system out of being able to use that extra space when the IGP doesn't need it. That setting's prmary purpose is to get around software which checks for VRAM size and refuses to load if it isn't happy with whatever value it receives. If the IGP needs more memory than what you reserved from BIOS, the drivers will reserve extra memory against the system pool.
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