Why does the monitor change colors to a much deeper colors when changing refresh rate?


Well no the gamma change in and of itself wont cause any damage...
What monitor? What refresh rates? Is the higher refresh rate an overclocked setting? Try to provide more info when asking something like this.

Setting a higher refresh rate especially if that refresh rate is considered "overclocked" can screw with gamma levels. Try messing with the gamma setting if your monitor has one, you should be able to make it look about the same at different refresh rates by adjusting the gamma level.

Monitor is Benq GW2270h and yes i overclocked it to 70hz. I actually like how the colors look now more than how they looked before but i just want to know if deeper colors means damage or will do any danger or reduce life of monitor.

Well no the gamma change in and of itself wont cause any damage.

Overclocking a monitor will make it produce a bit more heat, which could possibly affect the lifespan of the monitor. That said I have a cheap acer 1080p 60hz monitor that I have had overclocked to 75hz for at least 5 years now and it still works fine. But if you are really worried about damaging the monitor and don't have the means to easily replace it, I probably wouldn't overclock it.