Why does windows 7 lose the mouse


Mar 1, 2013
I've seen several answers on the loss of mouse/scroll function withe windows 7 and they generally suggest a hardware failure of the devices. I regularly experience loss of function on both my Pc and HP laptop. It occurs with USB, PC/2 and wireless connected mice as well as scroll pad. Roading drivers hasn't cured the problem so far! The common factor is Win 7. Has anyone seen a Microsoft solution to this problem?
Hope someone can help.
I ve seen it, and I have serviced hundreds of computers. Once in a while when the PC reboots or re-learns the driver assignment it loses the mouse. Quick fix for this issue just un-plug the mouse and plug it in another port. No biggie, but just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean the problem does not exist, it just means you haven't seen it which is what you should have said. There are one million wrong ways to services a computer and no right way.

Thanks Brett'
Delay in replying because I ha d to reboot as Mouse went awol.
I generally start by assuming it's me but I've tried every USB port on Pc and laptop; and the PS/2 port; and wireless connections.
A reboot generally clears it - a couple of times I've had to go to restart.

Any pointers gratefully received.



Hi Dave :)

Assuming all these Mice work perfectly in OTHER machines and they as NOT cheap and nasty meeces...

Then only 1 way to resolve this....

You are going to HAVE to FORMAT your machine and reload Windows....

Then load ALL hardware drivers , but NO service packs or Updates...

Then if the mice are ok, it was windows screwed,if they are NOT OK and if they have EXACTLY the same problem , then its obviously a hardware fault... on your machines 🙁

The USB problem I mentioned will NOT affect PS2 mice....although it could affect wireless though the wireless mouse dongle...

That problem is normally caused by PHYSICAL damage to a usb port on the affected machine.... you need a magnifying glass and a torch to check EVERY usb port very closely....

All the best Brett :)
Hi Brett,
Legacy USB is set to "Auto" in the PC BIOS. It says it turns off Legacy when no USB device is connected. I presume that this does what it says? I've changed it to "Enable" to see if it makes a difference.

Hi Brett,
Many thanks for the detailed reply and advice. I'll have to way up the pros & cons of a reload :) Last time it took me two weeks to get back to a working system!
It still seems like an unfortunate coincidence though, that my laptop with its PS2 connected scroll pad and the PC with its USB connected mouse should both start to exhibit "loss of mouse" function at about the same time. But life is just full of little coincidences - that's what makes it so interesting :pt1cable: :pt1cable:
Old post I know, but I have the same problem. I've found that If I open up the battery compartment and reinstall the battery on my Logitech wireless mouse it works fine for a while, until it happens again.

It rarely happens when using programs installed on the computer, mostly when using the web, and mostly when viewing a video.

Windows 7 pro.