Why i can't do 2 way sli on r9 295x?

first of all its crossfire on AMD cards(R9 295x2) and second an fx 8320 will bottleneck the GPU try getting an 8370 or a i7 4790k and if you have that much money to spend on a GPU, buy a strong single GPU like a titan X or wait for the 390x but if u want this card get an i7 or a 9590 or 8370
The AMD equivalent of nvidia's SLI is called crossfire, and it can be done. You will need a motherboard that supports a quad-crossfire setup, and a very beefy PSU (+1200 watt), because one R9 295x2 is already a crossfire setup and draws about 600 watts.

It will only make sense if you run very high resolution (4k display or more/muliple), and any AMD based CPU will cause a bottleneck. Intel is the only way to go with a setup like this.

no i just want r9 295x because looks badd ass to me and i want 2 i dont care about titan x or 980ti😀 (i know its a dumb decision but with dx 12 im gonna have 16gb vram right?

wait, wouldnt a 9590 be good enough? or do u need a 5960x?

i know but i was a bit on another planet with sli thing

i have 1000w psu i think its enought and a wattercool AIO i think i can get 9590 and sold my old 8320🙁

my motheroard supports quad sli and i have 1000w psu i see on the internet its enought because who the fuck are gonna use bouft gpu at 100% i have 2 1080p monitors

because i wanna best computer on my street :))

For 2 1080p (i presume 60 hz) monitors one will be more than enough. Simply put you will not notice any difference between 1 r9 295x2 or 2 with only 2x1080p monitors. I would consider getting a 4k display and a R9 295x2 so you can actually make that R9 295x2 sweat a little bit.

Or get a intel CPU+motherboard upgrade so you can pull more performance out of the GPU.

I'm guessing he already bought the 295x2 if he's asking this question. Also, the Titan X is a terrible choice right now considering the 980 Ti matches it in most performance tests at $300+ less.

But if you are investing this much into a GPU, it's a good idea to get a new processor and/or motherboard. To match the caliber of a 295X2 you probably want an i7, a 4790K is a good choice. I can't really say I recommend any AMD products right now as they're just extremely far behind in both GPU and CPU markets (APU's are not something you'd be interested in if you're looking at this caliber of GPU...).

Also OP: You're trying to use TWO 295X2's in crossfire? If so, your PSU and/or motherboard may not support two 295X2's.
If you're interested in getting a different GPU, get a 980 Ti (or two). It isn't quite as powerful at high res as a 295X2 but consumes much less power. 2 980 Ti's is a very strong choice for GPU's right now. 2 295X2's would require an EXTREMELY powerful PSU, 1500W+ most likely. Two of those cards is technically using 4-way Crossfire which your motherboard may not support, as each 295X2 has two GPU's on it.