Why I can't get steady fps in csgo with my i5 6500 and gtx 1060 6gb


Apr 19, 2017
My current RIG

I5 6500
Asus z170 mobo
Asus strix gtx 1060 6gb
Ram 4gb
450w power supply

With these specs I only getting 150-250 fps
Is the problem with my specs or anything else?
And my friends getting fps around 300 with r9 280x and I3 4th gen.

You NEED to double your RAM amount, at least. 16GB would be preferred. Adding RAM may not be successful. I recommend a new 8 or 16GB RAM kit.

Make and model of that PSU.
First sorry for votting down for your answer, kinda new to this page 🙁
With my i5 6500 and 1060 can run csgo perfectly right?
If i put 8gigs of ram, whats the other reason that cause low fps.
And my psu is coller master thunder 450w

Low end PSU.

I'd buy https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151094

Perfectly? Are you both using an identical monitor and in-game settings?

Is cs:go the only issue?

no im using aoc 23 inch ips monitor with 75hz and a dell ips monitor, my friend is using just a random ips monitor too.
yea, the same in-game settings.

i only played cs and cod4, couldn't try any other games.


you saying that my monitor can be a problem with the fps thing? .-.

No. I think you what's being said is you can only go 75MPH on the highway and you are complaining because you can only go about 200MPH. Then you are comparing apples and oranges. Radeon (AMD)GPU and 2 different generations of two different type of Intel processors.

In addition to that you lack the RAM necessary. Upgrade.

Get back to having fun and come back if you have a problem.
It shouldn't affect your frame-rate as it is listed in the game (unless you set V-sync to cap it to that amount), but a 75Hz monitor will only update the image you see 75 times per second. So having your computer render more than double that amount in a game is probably of limited usefulness. Now, with a 144Hz monitor, you would be able to see more of those additional frames, which might help smooth out motion a bit more.

I agree with Aquielisunari that moving up to at least 8GB of RAM could help performance in many games though.

got it. yes need to upgrade my RAM, you said my psu is a low end one. is Corsair VS550 550W 80+ good for an upgrade? :)


thanks for the info, its really helpful :)


No, that's closer to a sidegrade.

https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151094 is an upgrade.

https://jet.com/product/EVGA-220-G2-0550-Y1-80-PLUS-GOLD-550W-ECO-Mode-Fully-Modular-NVIDIA-SLI-Ready-an/434ceae3b78c4299a6ce73e3849ae477 is a VERY NICE upgrade. It also comes with a 7 year warranty. Fully modular so you only use the cables you NEED. Neater cable management is always a good thing. Enter in spring15 for your promo code and watch your price drop. They also offer free shipping on orders over $35.

oh that's cool.but is it okay if I stick with the same psu for like 2 or 3 months? or is it bad for the VGA.Because I need to get a proper RAM kit first 😀


Understood. My financial adviser(his name is Wallet) makes some of my decisions too. To be honest I would upgrade your PSU first. Safety first and all that. I would then move over to your RAM.

I saw you said kinda new. You are brand spanking new. Welcome to the forum Vishal :). Thanks for giving us this opportunity to help you.

got it .thanks for giving the best option :) very friendly and helpful forum. cheers.