Why is Full Body Tracking Not Done More Often?

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Nov 8, 2015
Aside from the high price point of around $380.00 USD (after you purchase 3 trackers and straps)

Why isn't this really fun and immersive feature used in more games. I can find a few lists of full body tracking games that only include up to 20 games and most of them are (more or less) pretty boring titles.
It's used for games such as soccer and VRchat all the way to tennis games (why tennis!?)

What do you guys think people would go crazy for if they had full body tracking?

I know i'd love to see some type of game integrate hit detection that would cripple your move speed or something of the sort.

I really want to hear opinions because It is super cool seeing full body tracing in VR ,but I think cooler things can be done with it.

Its still really early in its lifespan, a vast majority of people dont even have VR capabilities, let alone a need for full body tracking.
If VR does bloom into what people think it can, I would guess there would be a larger adoption of the hardware.

Currently, its too small a market, limited use (few games support it, so why make games that do when nobody owns it), etc.
I'm fat and I want to sit down. If I wanted to exercise and better myself, I'd be spending the money on a gym membership. Space is also an issue - to practicably use something like FBT, you'd probably want one of those slip'n'slide type treadmill surfaces to allow movement without moving, and those are expensive as well.

Stuff like that keeps the market constricted somewhat. I don't doubt it's a neat concept, but you run into a bit of a chicken or egg problem.

So you're talking $2,000+
Trackers and straps.
PC capable of actually running this.
Physical room space to move around enough.

And then, user acceptance. Getting dressed up with all that equipment for a video game...pain in the butt for most.
^ Agree.

But let's break it down... what you are really talking about is FEET-Tracking, because everything else you can extrapolate. For this, all that you are getting is the ability to display a more complete 3-d model, and have feet interaction.

Now, think of all the games where this will matter?
Also.. have you ever been in a VR boxing game and punched your wall?
a) it hurts.
b) I am glad "Drunken Bar Fight" does not allow kicking or headbutts!

Also.. I really don't need to be messing with this guy in VR games.

HAHA! But that's exactly what I feel VR is missing
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