Why is my computer not turning back om?


Sep 20, 2013
So I got GTA V last night and I let my brother play it today whilst I was at work.

Just got back from work and the computer is off, my brother says the screen just went off on him whilst he was playing.

I check the tower and thhe power LED is flashing.. I didn't know anything of it and tried to turn the PC on using the power button but nothing happened at all.

Then I realised I had a problem, so I opened up the tower and cleaned it out and plugged it in in a seperate socket so that I could attempt to actually get it on.

It still wasn't working after the clean, so I left it for a minute or so before trying again.. When I pressed the power button the LED lights at the front powered up for a small second before cutting out but the computer still did not power on.

I checked with Can I Run It? the night before so the game shouldn't have been a problem but I know that it probably is the problem.

Anyone help me out or tell me what's going down?
I have no other PSU, the one I have now was a replacement for a previous which cut off a lot. It's an 800W psu if that helps..

Any other solutions before I have to look for replacements?

If your PSU is gone, then the computer shouldn't even turn on. I think your mobo is burnt. Try it on another rig. If it's burnt, it's non replaceable(voids warranty).
What did you mean by "cleaned it out"? what did you clean out of your case? A power supply can be bad and still put out enough to power light for a short time. Is there any burnt smell from inside your case? Do you get any beep code at all?

Be sure you ground yourself 1st and then take out the VGA card and examine it does it have any chips that look abnormal? Remove everything but one stick of RAM and try to restart it again. Try moving the RAM thru all the slots and see if the system at anytime fires up. IF nothing happens take out the stick of RAM and try the other stick if there is one, doing the same thing. If you have another computer in your house you can try the VGA card in it to see if it works or is toast. You may not have the tools to be able to determine what the problem is. You may need a friend's help or to take it to a local shop. Most modern CPU will throttle down so they won't take damage from overheating. Shorting is another matter.

Was there any power surge while your brother was playing? Did he notice lights flickering or did someone plug something in to the outlet your computer uses will he was playing?