why is my gpu running at 30-50% usage in multiplayer games?


Nov 1, 2014
my cpu runs at 90% and my gpu runs so low why is that?
i have a i5-4690 and a gtx 1060 6gb.
this happens in csgo, overwatch and all my other games why is that happening, even if i higher my video settings this happens anyways.
one thing i noted on overwatch is that when i play offline with bots or in the menu i actually get 100% gpu usage and it runs so fkin good i get like 300 fps stable.
but as soon as i play multiplayer my gpu returns back to 30-50% usage.
it's very frustrating because csgo drops as low as 100 fps, overwatch too.
while csgo could easily go at 500 fps (tried on offline and it works.)
while overwatch could easily run at 300 stable fps.
this happens when i join multiplayer which sucks...

Not sure this is the solution but in OW there are 3 settings screen: Window, Border, and Borderless (something like this). The difference in GPU usage if you looking for full screen is between Border and Borderless where the later enforce more processing on CPU while GPU is not used a lot while Border window will force most of the work on your GPU and your CPU usage will drop.

So what you can do, is switch to Border window (if that what is called) and try playing games, also look for the samething in csgo, and other games.

90% CPU means your GPU is waiting on data to process. GPU is going idle when it can get away with it. Leaves more temperature headroom when it does have something to do.

In multiplayer you are CPU bound, in single player GPU bound. Since it only has to worry about you and your interactions with the bots, vs handling all the traffic between players, server, and each game engine. Hit calculations are pretty complex in multiplayer games.


not so sure that is the case.
why would my 1060 6gb run at as low as 100 fps and even lower on a random cs go server, when my old r9 270x could EASILY run csgo between 150 and 300 fps.
Well, there is a little time lag when it comes to predicting how fast it needs to be running. If it is constantly hitting a CPU wall and slowing down it might drag your average frames down waiting for the GPU to spin back up.

There are graphics technologies to consider as well. The 1060 might be handling more of the game then the 270x could, or the opposite, it is possible the 270x had an advantage over Nvidia on that particular game and now your CPU has to do that job.

Aside from the usual suspects of temperature, memory errors, and software errors on the system, not really sure what to add.

i dont think that is the case either.
this gpu is better in basically every aspect there is no way it just performs worse.
i know what the issue is but i dont know how to solve it.
the issue is that i am getting low gpu usage while ingame, but if i was in offline mode i would get 100% usage and waaay better fps as i have already said.
what im trying to figure out is how can i get my gpu to always go on max usage while gaming
Those are symptoms, not the issue (problem). You have an effect, you need to know the cause.

You switched from AMD to Nvidia, what steps did you take when you installed the new card?

Have you done any troubleshooting with the games themselves? Settings, or re-installs?

Have you thoroughly looked through the Nvidia control panel settings to see if DSR or something is turned on? (Wouldn't make much sense normally, but some games have an executable for multiplayer separate from single player, they could have different settings)

Just tossing ideas out at this point.

i have done everything that needed to be done.

cleared everywhing with ddu, cleaned both amd and nvidia.
installed an older version.
the options are all checked.
the same problem persists with every game, i have contacted nvidia support, had a 30 minute live chat for any potential fixes and now they are reviewing the problem and i expect an answer from 24 to 48 hours.
the gpu itself works, perfectly i'd say.
the only thing is that it just wont go to a high usage it'll just stay low at 30-40 for some reasons, looking at it like that it looks like it could be resolved with a fix directly from nvidia, or some sort of software, i'm not the only one having this i've read countless forums of people with 1060-70-80 having the same problem.
the only thing i know is my cpu is bottlenecking my gpu, since my cpu is going 70-90 ingames, if only i could turn a magic switch to get my card to go 100% life would be so much easier.
i really hope they come out with a fix or im sending this back, not like i am gonna keep this underperforming while having spent 300€ no thanks lol