Why is my pc crashing?

Yeah, Idle around 40, gaming around 50/60

I can afford it. But ofcourse I'd rather not. Is there a way to be certain it's the PSU? Would be a shame if I replaced it and it wouldn't help.

I can't borrow one. I don't trust this PSU either, but just replacing it without knowing if it will fix the problem doesn't seem very smart.

The symptoms you describe are characteristic of a bad PSU. You could always return it if it doesn't solve the problem.

Buying a better, higher quality PSU now will also help with your next upgrade as you can reuse the new PSU.

If I were to replace it, which seems easy to do on my own, what are your recommendations? As cheap as possible but still reliable. I'm thinking cooler master ... ?

What is your budget?

Well, 50 euro max. So around 60 dollars. I also want to make sure it's good enough for when I want to upgrade my PC.