Why is my pc lagging on some games video below of the forest


May 30, 2016
I have replaced nearly my whole PC to try and fix the problem of stuttering and split second freezing. Also when I start a game like bf1 the gpu usage lowers over time. Id get 140fps at start then it will be at 110 at the end.

My rig is the following:

Gtx 1080 Evga SC
i7 6700k 4.2 Turbo
3000 Ddr4 ram
Corsair CX 750 PSU
Asus 1080p 60hz monitor
Z170x motherboard

Now the parts I have not changed out of that list is the Corsair PSU CX 750, the Evga Gtx 1080 and the monitor.

Which out of these three could be causing problems. Overheating is not a problem at all.

Thank you
More about : games
not to insult you at all becuase it seems like you definitely know what youre doing... but did you do a clean install of the graphic drivers as well as set power options to max performance?

Im not sure if the 1080's do it, but i know my 970 was actually having issues on lower settings on 1080p. I have no idea if this is a good explanation or even accurate... but it felt like my 970 was falling asleep while playing these games, and then woudl stutter when it would wake back up during an intense seen. Only evidence i have is that when i went to 1440p... my 970 came to life and has been running so much better.

im wondering if youre having similar issues with your 1080. is there a scaling option in your game? maybe try to render your game at 2k or 4k and see if that doesnt solve the issue.

either way, gl!
try to barrow another PSU from someone if you can. The CX line isnt the best PSU for a gaming build. Sounds like over time the video card isnt getting the right voltage or you getting voltage drop from the PSU that is causing your slowdown.
Question from killastrra : "Can the Corsair CX 750 lower my gpu usage and stuter on games with a GTX 1080"

Yes, that sounds typical of the behaviour of the CX series PSU.

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What is the rest of your system specs?
Question from killastrra : "Why does my pc Stutter and split second freezes / problems with the forest. Video below"


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