Why is my physical memory usage so high?


Jul 9, 2014
With only one tab of google chrome and task manager running (plus another 70 processes) running, I am hovering around 40% physical memory, and 4% CPU usage. I have 4 gb's of ram, and to me this seems odd that I am using so much, while the computer isn't doing much. I play league of legends and when i have that open (in-game), my physical memory shoots up to about 75-80% and that seems a bit high.
Restarting your PC it makes the RAM memory free. But your problem will remain if your PC is standby for long time. Because the more free RAM memory will be changed into standby memory or they will be in use if you are using anti-virus, messenger etc. Also if it is a desktop may be more memory reserved by the hardware, in my PC it is about 850MB is reserved by the hardware. If you need to see more free RAM memory upgrade your RAM or uninstall unwanted programs and features. Run task manager and how see how much memory is committed by game in processes tab or in the resource monitor. If you have no other works or job simply calculate the memory is using, soon after start-up then after opening chrome and when you playing the game. Sorry...
Well think about it. You have 4gb of memory correct? Well the less memory you have the harder the memory works to provide the quickest process to get you to page to page to process all of that it takes allot of memory. Plus when you have games running also it takes more of that to, depending on what games you have. I really suggest you upgrade your memory. I might be wrong it just depends on you. Any one else have suggestions or tips for him?
Restarting your PC it makes the RAM memory free. But your problem will remain if your PC is standby for long time. Because the more free RAM memory will be changed into standby memory or they will be in use if you are using anti-virus, messenger etc. Also if it is a desktop may be more memory reserved by the hardware, in my PC it is about 850MB is reserved by the hardware. If you need to see more free RAM memory upgrade your RAM or uninstall unwanted programs and features. Run task manager and how see how much memory is committed by game in processes tab or in the resource monitor. If you have no other works or job simply calculate the memory is using, soon after start-up then after opening chrome and when you playing the game. Sorry for this long answer.
Another way. Type msconfig in the search in start menu. Run it then go to services tab, first you hide the microsoft services and uncheck unwanted services. Then go to the startup tab and uncheck the unwanted programs on startup. By unchecking startup programs will increase your startup speed.

4GiB is not a large amount of memory by modern standards. 40% base usage under Windows 7 (assumption on my part) with Chrome open is about what I would expect. 75% with League of Legends running is also normal.

Hi, Sharantk. I am having a similar issue with my physical memory. It is currently on 69% with 64 processes running(not sure what all of them are)and i only have my browser with 4 tabs open...I only have 2.00gb of ram. Anyhoo, i saw where you basically said anti virus could be using some of this memory. There are 2 anti-virus and 2 anti-malware programs running on my laptop. When i had only 3 anti-virus and anti-malware programs on my laptop, my pysical memory was averaging 38%-50% with no other applications or programs running. Now it is averaging 48%-60% with no other programs or applications running.

Do you or anyone else have any advice or suggestions for me? (◐.̃◐)

The Question was CHROME using too much memory not the OS. Chrome is using huge amounts of memory for me too and I am thinking of abandoning chrome all together because of that.