Why is newegg so cheap ?


Oct 6, 2014
I was looking to get some parts for my new pc i should be getting soon , and newegg and things like Amazon have them for like half price , i know they are massive companies and are tustworthy but is there a catch, will they kill me with shipping , or something?
i thought theyre had to be a reason for like half the price

While Newegg@ may not be the cheapest, they have, probably, the largest selection of DIY parts and assemblies you could ask for. This provides you with a LARGE choice of parts--------price/performance/design/personal choice-------and at least a more than basic research base----to enable you to make the better choice for your build. The fact that they don't need to keep inventory "on hand" allows them to middleman...
Actually, they aren't even always the cheapest option. If you want to find the best price on any given part, including current promotions, free shipping, etc., go to www.pcpartpicker.com. Quite often NCIX and others have better prices on particular items.

And the reason they are so cheap compared to many companies is because they outsell everybody by about 50 to 1 so they can afford to purchase in bulk and partner with companies to get good pricing. I buy parts from them weekly, for years, and there is no catch really.
I don't know what items you are comparing and to where, but Newegg and Amazon are hardly ever the cheapest options, they are simple middle of the road and only their sales can get you occasionally significant discounts.


Wow...I did not know that newegg is shipping to Europe too.
I opened it...it has European price not USA's price (if you included the shipping, custom, etc. cost). 🙁

Perhaps I will find good offers in the future.
I will be watching the website.

See, you learn something new every day, or, if you don't, you miss a damn good chance at it. Heh.

newegg seems to be much cheaper , is there something im missing ?


Actually, that's not exactly true. If you look at any given piece of hardware on pcpartpicker, more often than not, Newegg IS the supplier with the lower listed price, regardless of which countries version of pcpartpicker you're looking at and as compared to the items in that particular country. Of course it would be cheaper if you were looking at prices from two different countries, but I'm not sure that's what the OP had going on.

so you hink its worth just going to newegg since it has american price ?
cause its a couple hundred bux cheaper

No, you need to use the Newegg site for your country, if there is one. Shipping from a US Newegg retailer usually negates any savings you might have.


it doesent seem to change the shipping cost , i went through with adding the cart until putting in the pin number to a credit card and price stayed the same , does that mean it doesent change in price ?
It's probably already detecting your country and the price is probably based on shipment from the nearest area to you. To be sure of this, pick out a part number and post the part number here along with the price it is showing for the item. I will check it against my price here to determine if it's reflecting your area or mine.



US Newegg shows that as $349 + $5.92 shipping, but Out of Stock.

mine says that too cause im on the US site , cant find the australian site

newegg.com/global/au shows it as AUD$401.51



While Newegg@ may not be the cheapest, they have, probably, the largest selection of DIY parts and assemblies you could ask for. This provides you with a LARGE choice of parts--------price/performance/design/personal choice-------and at least a more than basic research base----to enable you to make the better choice for your build. The fact that they don't need to keep inventory "on hand" allows them to middleman for you------usually direct from the mfg--------which saves cost to you.-------------Of course, if your game is "I want it NOW"------Newegg ain't goin ta help!!

I use the free super saver shipping with new egg and always get it the next day, I made the mistake of paying for the FedEx 2day and would get it after I did the 4-7 day supersaver. There processing there to get packages shipped is fast.