Why isn't my card (GTX 960 4gb) getting higher FPS on Battlefield 4?

Robby Shorts

Jan 26, 2016
Hi, Whenever I try to play games such as Battlefield 4 at the lowest settings I get in game around 30 frames and is fluctuates a lot going from anywhere from 20 to 40fps which is very frustrating. I have seen videos where people who have the same card (GTX 960 4gb) get much higher frames then what I get, I believe my cpu may be the culprit here since I think it is weak, but I am not 100% sure. Also the mointor I am currently using is a 1680x1050 resolution if that has anything to do with it, thanks for the feedback.

specs: OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: AMD A6-3650 APU 2.6Ghz 4 cpus
DirectX 11
GPU: GTX 960 Asus Strix 4GB
I think this is my motherboard not 100% sure though: PEGATRON CORPORATION 2ACF 1.03


Yep, that CPU is weak and is severely bottlenecks your GPU. I also have a 4GB 960 with a 6600K got around 60-80 on ultra with medium AA on the open beta.

Alright thanks for your feedback. :)