Why MSIAfterburner OSD showing LIM: Power, Voltage while gaming?


Dec 10, 2016
CPU: AMD FX 6300 @3.5ghz
Motherboard: MSI 760GM P23(fx)
GPU: MSI Geforce GTX 1050ti 4GT OC
HDD: 1TB Toshiba
CPU Cooler: Thermaltek Hyper 103

AS the title says, What does that LIM: Power, Voltage mean? And is it harmful? screenshot while gaming below.

go into afterburner settings and see which items you have selected to be displayed. not sure what LIM POWER VOLTAGE means.. but you can just uncheck the items that you don't want to monitor.

Hahaha, i want to monitor, I wanted to know if it's harmful or not. surely i don't want to fry my motherboard by over voltage or something.
sorry i misunderstood. after a google search, i think it means limit power voltage. your card is hitting it's limit for power, nothing wrong with your gpu. you can increase your power (not voltage) in afterburner to 110% or 120%?

hopefully someone can explain it more clearly.

My power limit on MSIAfterburner is in 100 and can not slide further to 110-120%
No, this isn't anything dangerous! The GPU Clockspeed on Nvidia Cards is limited by 3 Factors. Power, Voltage and Temperature. If your GPU doesn't get enough Power or Voltage, it won't boost as high. On most Cards, especially Reference Design ones, the limiting factor is temperature. I assume, that your GTX 1050 Ti doesn't have an additional 6 Pin Power Connector? My Gigabyte GTX 1050Ti OC Edition does have one and never chokes on power or voltage, even when overclocked to 1911 mhz and loaded with Furmark. Because pulling more power over the PCIE Connector could fry it, lifting the power or voltage limited is turned off in your Cards BIOS. It's a Safety Feature. If there are any Questions left, you ask me.

And btw i'm new to this Forum and don't really know how it works yet 😉
so i didn't know/figured out how to log afterburner and after 10 minutes of COD it seemed on mostly highest settings the card ran consistently between 60-75fps, but there were some dips in the low 50s for some reason. is there a way i can upload a log file to show?

also i did a userbenchmark.com run and these are the results i got. though admittedly if the gpu is occasionally stuttering, it may not have happened during this benchmark...

UserBenchmarks: Game 69%, Desk 101%, Work 77%
CPU: Intel Core i7-9750H - 85.5%
GPU: Nvidia RTX 2060 (Mobile) - 66.7%
SSD: WD Blue SN500 NVMe PCIe M.2 500GB - 207.9%
RAM: Unknown GKE160SO102408-2666 1x16GB - 48.4%
MBD: Notebook NH5x_7xRCx,RDx