HI !
i need some tips with my situation.
I have a i7-4790k with MSI Gaming 5 z97 Mobo and 16 GB of ram DDR3
i encode from a full BD to a x264 1080p encode file using ffmpeg and this commandline :
"C:\DVD\apps\FFmpegx64\bin\ffmpeg.exe" -y -i "F:\Release\sample-Remux.mkv" -an -sn -tune film -preset slow -c:v libx264 -pass 2 -threads 12 -b:v 9000k -profile:v high -level 4.1 -subq 10 -vf crop=1920:800:0:140 "F:\Release\Sample-C2C.mkv"
as you can see i use preset slow and subQ 10 wich are high cpu settings
i run the encode from stoch settings (4.4ghz) and i got 23 FPS with ffmpeg cpu load @ 100%
i did OC the cpu up to 4.7 GHZ vcore @ 1.265V and cache speed @ 4.1ghz (4.0 stock) and still running @ 23 FPS and sometimes cpu load drop to 95%.
i tought that OC my cpu would make me gain some fps maybe go to 30 but it's not happening.
- tried from ssd to ramdisk even ramdisk to ramdisk and same results 🙁
- Disabled HT and losing 20 fps in the 1st pass, and losing 3 fps 2nd pass. i was @ 100 fps 1st pass and 23 fps @ 2nd pass
Win 7 ? slow down everything ? it's the last thing i can see.
Why ?
Thank you
i need some tips with my situation.
I have a i7-4790k with MSI Gaming 5 z97 Mobo and 16 GB of ram DDR3
i encode from a full BD to a x264 1080p encode file using ffmpeg and this commandline :
"C:\DVD\apps\FFmpegx64\bin\ffmpeg.exe" -y -i "F:\Release\sample-Remux.mkv" -an -sn -tune film -preset slow -c:v libx264 -pass 2 -threads 12 -b:v 9000k -profile:v high -level 4.1 -subq 10 -vf crop=1920:800:0:140 "F:\Release\Sample-C2C.mkv"
as you can see i use preset slow and subQ 10 wich are high cpu settings
i run the encode from stoch settings (4.4ghz) and i got 23 FPS with ffmpeg cpu load @ 100%
i did OC the cpu up to 4.7 GHZ vcore @ 1.265V and cache speed @ 4.1ghz (4.0 stock) and still running @ 23 FPS and sometimes cpu load drop to 95%.
i tought that OC my cpu would make me gain some fps maybe go to 30 but it's not happening.
- tried from ssd to ramdisk even ramdisk to ramdisk and same results 🙁
- Disabled HT and losing 20 fps in the 1st pass, and losing 3 fps 2nd pass. i was @ 100 fps 1st pass and 23 fps @ 2nd pass
Win 7 ? slow down everything ? it's the last thing i can see.
Why ?
Thank you