Why my OC dont speed up my x264 Encoding process ?


Jun 28, 2015
HI !

i need some tips with my situation.

I have a i7-4790k with MSI Gaming 5 z97 Mobo and 16 GB of ram DDR3

i encode from a full BD to a x264 1080p encode file using ffmpeg and this commandline :

"C:\DVD\apps\FFmpegx64\bin\ffmpeg.exe" -y -i "F:\Release\sample-Remux.mkv" -an -sn -tune film -preset slow -c:v libx264 -pass 2 -threads 12 -b:v 9000k -profile:v high -level 4.1 -subq 10 -vf crop=1920:800:0:140 "F:\Release\Sample-C2C.mkv"

as you can see i use preset slow and subQ 10 wich are high cpu settings

i run the encode from stoch settings (4.4ghz) and i got 23 FPS with ffmpeg cpu load @ 100%
i did OC the cpu up to 4.7 GHZ vcore @ 1.265V and cache speed @ 4.1ghz (4.0 stock) and still running @ 23 FPS and sometimes cpu load drop to 95%.

i tought that OC my cpu would make me gain some fps maybe go to 30 but it's not happening.

- tried from ssd to ramdisk even ramdisk to ramdisk and same results 🙁
- Disabled HT and losing 20 fps in the 1st pass, and losing 3 fps 2nd pass. i was @ 100 fps 1st pass and 23 fps @ 2nd pass

Win 7 ? slow down everything ? it's the last thing i can see.

Why ?

Thank you
There ya go. You don't have enough processor to have your machine run the way you want. OCs only do a little bit. Consumer stuff is just that. Consumer PCs and components aren't pro constructed for special purpose machines. Enjoy what ya have. You have a good machine.
Walt Prill
1- tried from ssd to ramdisk even ramdisk to ramdisk and same results 🙁
2- i dont confuse transcoding and playback...i do encode @ 23 frame per second if i change my encode settings i can do 150 fps but really low quality. This settings is really high quality 1080p HD
3- Disabled HT and losing 20 fps in the 1st pass, and losing 3 fps 2nd pass. i was @ 100 fps 1st pass and 23 fps @ 2nd pass
Maybe you need more memory, a OS managed page file. Every encoder I've ever used slows down the longer it runs. Have 32 GB DDR4 here. Could be how the coding is written in the software and not all software optimizes core usage and memory equally either. Encoding is one of the most resource intensive operations a computer does. Just look at the task manager as conversions go along. Changing quality shows ya that. That is why some work stations use dual xenons and 128 GBs of memory and Pro graphics and the like.
Walt Prill

i have 16 gtb and ffmpeg only use 4 GB during all the process but cpu load @ 100%
There ya go. You don't have enough processor to have your machine run the way you want. OCs only do a little bit. Consumer stuff is just that. Consumer PCs and components aren't pro constructed for special purpose machines. Enjoy what ya have. You have a good machine.
Walt Prill
Oh boy, ya hafta target what you expect out of your machine. I don't consider a minor slow down a problem for something we only do once in a while. I don't give recommendations but will share what we have learned. My best machine, avatar, Tbs Toy has an Asus X99A USB/3.1 board. An Oced to 40 x 5820 32 GBs 2400 memory. An Intel 750 SSD c drive. two 1 TB 850 EVOs in a hardware RAID 0 for storage. A 256 EVO for image recovery and another just cuz. An Asus Ocd Strix card. W10 Pro. Much more but ya get the idea. It does everything virtually instantly and am thrilled with how well it works. I have an unfair advantage as I have Tinkerbell, the IT Kitty do do those things for us:).