Why my PC stuck when plug both GTX 760 VGA and i5 3470 CPU in to the Biostar B75 Motherboard?

Mar 28, 2018
Anyone can you help me to solve this please. I have Biostar motherboard B75MU3B Modal, When I plug my ASUS GTX 760 2GB vga and Core i5 3470 Cpu, I can't do any work after few seconds loading the OS ( windows 10,7,8.1 all tried ) mouse pointer is lagging, sometimes pc restart itlsef, some times, display is turning off but power is on. Also, when I use VGA and i5 CPU seperately, both is working fine, no any issues, performs well, even on same biostar mother board. It's complicated, are those Vga and Cpu is not support each other or what's happening?
For logs, use this instructions:
Your PSU provides enough power by numbers, ok.
Still, both CPU and GPU together may draw too much power, IF your PSU is in fact (slightly) damaged. This is not very probable, as this would usually result in spontaneous reboots.
Another problem may be that your cooling is inadaequate, but only shows, when both devices are used together (as together they produce more heat). Then, perhaps, one or the other device is throttling. This would usually be the CPU.
Do you have measured temps while the lagging happens?

When the devices have your PC reboot spontaneously when used on another MoBo, one of them may be...
Basically, your CPU and GPU should work together.
On Newegg USA, i saw someone having the same problem in 2014, but i'm not sure if that is really related to your problem.
Let's start with diagnosis.
- How long do you use this CPU, MoBo and GPU in combination? Just for a few days? Months? Years?
- How much RAM?
- HDD or SSD?
- What do Taskmanager and Eventlogs say? Anything at 100% during the lagging? Any errors, esp. in system Log?

Thanks for your reply,
Yes, I agreed, It should work together.
All 3 of them are I bought from 3 peoples, I can't return them because all are working just not together.
So I couldn't use either one day altogether, but I'm using them separately for few months, no issues.
8 GB Ram I've installed, 2 Ram cards.
When it's stuck, I cant open anything easily, even mouse pointer can't move, smoothly, its stuck the system for around 3 seconds, after 3 seconds I can move mouse for 1,2 seconds, and again it's stuck for around 3 seconds, hope you got my point, like its low FPS
but I opened task manager by taking more time and look for high usage processes nothing is high, all normal.
I can't find any logs.
also, I'm using a 600w power supply, because the GTX needs 8 pin connector and high power.

Today before I post the question, I tried both processor and VGA on Asus h61mk motherboard, and it's restarting automatically after few seconds finishing boot into windows.

I'm tired of this mess and I thought to buy a Z77 motherboard and try both of them, but I'm afraid to buy if same happens, it's waste of money.

thank you.
For logs, use this instructions:
Your PSU provides enough power by numbers, ok.
Still, both CPU and GPU together may draw too much power, IF your PSU is in fact (slightly) damaged. This is not very probable, as this would usually result in spontaneous reboots.
Another problem may be that your cooling is inadaequate, but only shows, when both devices are used together (as together they produce more heat). Then, perhaps, one or the other device is throttling. This would usually be the CPU.
Do you have measured temps while the lagging happens?

When the devices have your PC reboot spontaneously when used on another MoBo, one of them may be damaged.

Do you have (just for testing purposes) access to another GPU?

Hello Dear,

That's something I need to re-test I think, the PSU I wish I could test it with PSU tester right? I didn’t measure the temp while this happening, but I'll check it tomorrow and update you here.

Thank you so much for your support.

Have you tried with integrated video without the GTX 760 will everything work fine? Try to update motherboard's BIOS to the latest. Also try with only 1 RAM stick to different slots and then wit the other to see if it is working properly. Have you checked temperatures of your CPU and GPU under load if they are not overheating? You say that you have tested both CPU and GPU on another board and they are not working? So they both can be defective. What is your PSU - make/model? Have you tried with another one if there will be difference?

Hello there,

Yes currently I'm using core i5 processor with integrated graphics and its working fine no issues, and the B75 motherboard I've already updated it's bios too. I will try with swap ram cards, and about temperature, I need to look at them again. both are working separately, I don't have many motherboards, only two, H61 and this B75, on both I cant work with them together, separately both working well. on both MB.

The GTX need 8 pin connector, I have only 1 PSU that have 8 pin, and it's Gigabyte PSU, I will update you with the model number.

thank you.

Am afraid if one of them damaged when using separately both working fine, Yes, I forgot to say, I have GTX 750 VGA too when I use it with Core i5 processor it works perfectly, no issue, that's don't need external power but.

at this point, we should check PSU, right?

I will check the temperature and update you.

thank you.

Hello Dear,

I replaced PSU today and it worked :) no issues now. everything is working fine.

thank you for your time and support.


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