I have read many forums telling that we should have a delta T of Minimum 10C and not more, The lower the better. Delta T is the difference between the water and ambient air when equilibrium is established and I want to take two cases, One where delta T is high i.e the water temp is quite high then the air temp, According to law of Conduction the rate of heat transfer is directly proportional to the temp difference hence the heat transfer from the water in radiator and air would be faster and a bit slow for Cpu to loop, As the there wont be much of a temp difference in the Cpu temp and loop temp.If the delta T is small i.e the loop temp is not as much higher than the room temp, So the transfer of heat from the water in rad to air would be slow and high transfer rate from Cpu to loop water.So then we should have a balance of delta T not High not low why is it not so?