Why the i5 3570k now seems utterly pointless to me

Will Arnold

Apr 13, 2013
As you can seem by the title, I think the 3570k is pointless. Not because of the i7's or the 200$ AMD processors, but something entirely different. A 225$ CPU that's more stable, has a larger l3 cache, and biggest of all, has Hyperthreading ( which is utilized in newer games like crysis 3). I'm talking about the Xeon e3 1230 v2. Please tell me your opinion on this CPU and why I should (or more importantly shouldn't) put this in my system. In terms of overclocking I think the hyperthreading (on newer games at least) is more beneficial than an extra few hundred MHz. So tell me, why don't more people use this CPU for gaming?
The E3 only supports certain mobos, it requires special ECC RAM (expensive), it is not unlocked
it is a general consensus that i5 would be better at gaming but xeon are almost the same thing except xeon have extra features which a gamer will not use
only a few games get helped by hyperthreading but all the game get benefited by overclocking
xeon are pretty good for what they are made
nah you got it wrong the i7 3770(non k) is pointless if you dont want onboard video/ quicksync etc thats what your pretty much getting from what i can tell. all the k's have overclocking that the xeon doesnt have

I'm sorry I think you may have gotten the words "support" and "require" mixed up. Also, as far as I know the xeon works with almost every z77 mobo (and then some). But I know for a fact you DONT need to have ECC


When I see people over clocking 350$ i7's with 100-200$ water cooling systems, I wonder why they don't just get a better CPU with the money instead.

For the stability you mentioned (ECC) you need an older chipset lacking USB 3.0.
ECC ram more expensive.
No overclocking.
Limited boards with PCIe x16 slots

Otherwise it's an i7 with the GPU fused off for a great price.


I don't know why you think there are a limited amount of boards, as most just say they're not completely compatible because of the absence of an onboard GPU along with Virtu(whatever it is) sfw.
As for oc'ing, if your willing to spend 330 on a i7 3770k along with a 80 or 100 dollar cpu cooler, you might as well get a 6 core i7 (no oc) or I think there are some 400-450$ six core e5's but i'm not sure about those. And I do agree that ECC really isnt necessary. Agreed its basically an i7 without intels crappy integrated graphics.

Because LGA 2011 mobos can get expensive. And not everyone that buys good cooling is doing it for overclocking; some people buy them for quietness, and would buy the cooler no matter what CPU they got.

You understand that Xeon E3's are (mostly at least) LGA 1155 including The 1230 v2. note the v2 is very important. But yes the Xeon e3 is DEFINITELY LGA 1155. As for cooling, I too spend at least 50$ on good, silent, preferably water cooling, cpu cooling. As of now the previous build I did I used a slightly cheaper air cooler than my normal Corsair H60. I was astonished at how ridiculously quiet and effective it was. I just dont see the point of buying a H100i for over clocking when it would be more beneficial to invest in a better CPU. I find it HILARIOUS the amount of overkill in some X79 Mobo's (Asrock extreme 11). 4 Pci-e slots at 8x EACH!!! Crazy overkill.

...did you read the post I replied to? He was talking about the six-core i7s and the E5s.

Misunderstood, apologized. As for the six core i7's they are better not oc'd than a 3770k with expensive cooling. Yes x79's are very expensive. Looking again at e5's they really arent as usable for gaming and such as the e3's. Just a cool little fact, I have seen videos of people using 3930X's oc'd to around 7.0GHz !!! Even more ridiculous, they used LIQUID NITROGEN COOLING. Thats pretty cool, pun intended 🙂

Haha, LN2 is the one of the only ways you'll be able to hit a ridiculous frequency like that.