Question Why will my PC only work with one or two sticks of RAM in single channel mode after CPU upgrade ?

Apr 15, 2024
I have an older PC that I wanted to upgrade with a slightly better CPU, as I've gotten to the point of being unable to install a Windows update or downloading a game and using a voice chat app or playing music at the same time because of massive stutters and freezes - I wanted to swap my i5-4440 for an i7-4770K. So I buy a CPU on the used market, I put it in my PC and I try to turn it on. The PC turns on but it wouldn't POST at all, as in not even reaching the BIOS, and after about 30 seconds it would restart and try again with the same result.

So I'm thinking maybe it's the RAM, because I've encountered a similar issue in a PC I've owned prior to this, and I take out all sticks of RAM but one (I have 4 in total, 2 HyperX Blu's, 2 HyperX Fury's, all 4GB each), and lo and behold, the PC boots into Windows just fine. I then try to add another stick of ram of the same type (Either Blu or Fury, I've tried both pairs In A1 and B1), and the PC doesn't POST again.

I then try to place two sticks one next to another (in slots A1 and A2) and the PC boots to Windows, but when I check the BIOS it says they're running in single channel. That's not good because that would mean that if I were to leave my PC like this, I would have to use it with 8GB of ram only, as opposed to 16, and they would run in single channel.

I then tried every stick of RAM in every slot, and it seemed that if I were to place one stick of RAM in B1 or B2, the PC would, again, not post. But I thought it can't be the slots since they all work with the i5, just as all ram sticks work with that processor, so the RAM isn't faulty either. But the i7 works just fine with one or two sticks of RAM as long as they're in single channel, and I don't know whether the CPU is faulty, or if there's a software problem, or why I can't boot up my PC with all the sticks of RAM connected.

CPU: i5 4440 @ 3.1 ghz
MOBO: ASRock H97M Pro4 (BIOS version 2.30 - latest)
RAM: 16GB total - 2x HyperX Blu 4GB @ 1600 MHz + 2x HyperX Fury 4GB @ 1600 MHz (Stock speed is 1833 MHz but they run at the same speed as the Blu's)
PSU: Njoy Titan+ 550W 80+ Bronze
Storage: Kingston 480GB SSD + WD Blue 1TB
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Breaking the text wall into 2-3 paragraphs make it easier to read.

Have you checked the CPU socket? Are you sure you haven't bent any pin/pins during the CPU swap? I would remove CPU carefulyl and inspect the socket for bent pins or any thermal paste. Use good light and take photos with phone or something at an angle. You can use a magnifying glass too or phone camera option to see pins better.

Mixing RAM is always a gamble. Maybe you're old CPU liked it and the newer one doesn't (if socket is OK). Sometimes they work sometimes they cause crashes and BSODs and issue of that sort and sometimes they just refuse to work/POST.

Yes A1 and A2 are one channel, so single channel mode. Those slot could also be an issue, maybe socket pins problem. That would explain why it works in single channel mode. Usually (depending on board) two sticks in A1-A2 or B1-B2 would be single channel. A1-B1 or A2-B2 would work dual channel, usualyl recommended combo for 2 sticks is A2-B2.
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I'm 100% sure there's no bent pins because I put the old CPU back and it works just fine with all the sticks, and not only that but as I said, the i7 also works when I use the RAM sticks in single channel, so it's not broken, at least not entirely; I've seen some people say it could be the memory controller in the CPU that's broken, in which case I don't think I can do much about it, but I don't think I've tried putting 2 sticks in A2 and B2, but that wouldn't help me much either, since I still wouldn't be able to install all 16 GB's of RAM with the PC posting
That's why I said CPU might not like it so it might be a controller issue.

If you're slots A2 and B2 work as dual channel best bet would be sell all RAMs and get 2x8GB sticks that came as a kit/pack.

Controller issue or not, if you put 2 RAM sticks in A1-A2 or B1-B2 they would run in single channel. Two A slots are one channel and the two B slots are the other channel. Using 2 sticks doesn't make it work in dual channel mode. Putting those 2 sticks in 2 channels (A & B) makes it work in dual channel mode.

Again. mixing RAM (what you're doing with 2 different kits/packs) is very likely to cause issues. One of the most common troubleshooting topics concerning RAM is mixing different kits/packs.
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Can repair shops do anything about it or is the repair cost as expensive as the cpu, or am I just stuck with it?
The only chance anyone can do anything about it is if the problem is a damaged pad on the CPU. With a CPU that old even if it was fixable there's no chance it'd be worth doing. This would be obvious on physical inspection, but otherwise it's likely damaged silicon which means it's not fixable.
No fix is worth it if the problem is inside the CPU (which in your case looks to be, probably the controller).

CPUs are not damaged that easily but that i7 being a used K version might have been under OC for years and that can bring them to their knees sooner. The fact that it was damaged might have been the reason behind its sale.