Why won't I hallucinate?

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Oct 16, 2014
Okay this will sound like a super silly idea to all of you, but I really want to know how it feels to be hallucinating.
And I won't abuse drugs, so i am trying it the other way, thru sleep deprivation.
I have stayed awake for like 2.5 days, all I'm feeling is super-sleepy, irritated, super-stupid (it's taking insanely long to solve math problems), and lack of hunger. But I'm not hallucinating at all. I tried to set an ambiance, you know, turn on a nightlight in the room, light up incense sticks, play Pink Floyd songs, but still, absolutely no go, zero hallucinations, not even phantom voices in head.

Hallucinations resulting from mild sleep deprivation aren't at all like those seen in movies. In fact, most hallucinations aren't at all like those seen in the movies. Many people hallucinate without even knowing it, or realizing it afterwards.

A simple hallucination is like hearing soft music or faint voices in background noise. Visually, you might notice a pattern in something that wouldn't normally stand out, or an object may appear much bigger/smaller than you would otherwise expect. As you become increasingly sleep deprived these will occur more frequently and will increasingly impair your focus.

More complex hallucinations generally require drugs
Back when I was riding U-boats in Uncle Sam's Canoe Club I had many a coffee/caffeine assisted 96 hour days. The only hallucination I remember is the one where I swore I was dreaming the whole thing and that I would soon awaken from 8hrs of restful sleep and be bright eyed, bushy tailed, and ready for the next watch. Although, there was this one time that involved Christy Brinkley, a can of Crisco, and a midget ...... But I'm pretty sure that one actually happened 😀
Don't you have more important things to do in your life than this nonsense!


Why do you feel you need this experience?

You don't realize it, but you are laying the foundation for continued experimentation into an area you really don't want to go when what you are doing yields no results!

Once you're frustrated with zero results from what you are attempting, you'll continue to look and possibly drop your guard against things you should leave your guard up about.

You have no idea how wonderful being straight and experiencing no hallucinations actually is, or you wouldn't take it for granted.

You desire something, that some never want again!

Because they were lucky enough to live through it!

Take a good look at your Avatar the Bull is the hallucinations and you are the Matador!

How long would you like to be in that situation?

Sleep deprivation will cause you to have hallucinations, but I am strongly suspecting that hallucinating "normal" things like hearing people talking in the background, hearing appliances running, or phone noises isn't what you are after. What you are probably thinking about is having a dissociative hallucination like the 1960s hippies had when they took drugs. That requires drugs and speaking as somebody who has had to deal with the people who've tried that crap, DON'T DO IT. You're fairly likely to end up being hauled into the psych ward on a psych hold because you were apprehended by police after running naked down the street blabbering nonsense and threatening passers-by. You laugh, but it is absolutely true.

Or go into healthcare. You'll hallucinate that you feel your pager buzz or hear it beep and call the last number on it, realize you called them back a half hour ago, and then feel like a total fool. And then you'll go get your sixth cup of coffee because you still have another 27 hours left in your 48 hour shift, and your damn "phantom page" just awakened you from the only 30 minutes of sleep you got since you started.

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