Question Why won't Lenovo V570 load past Lenovo splash screen?


May 31, 2016
I was attempting to perform a clean reinstall of Windows 10 using a Windows 10 disc I own but for some reason it just froze during the installation. I deleted all partitions and data and formatted the hard drive on my desktop PC so the drive was completely clean. After I reinstalled the clean hard drive into the laptop and booted, the screen asked me if I wanted to boot from DVD like normal. Seeing as how the installation froze when I last tried in the laptop's own disc drive, I removed the disc and put it in and external disc drive, and restarted the computer again. Ever since I did that restart, the computer will not load past the Lenovo splash screen anymore, so it can't even get to the installation media. I've tried reinstalling HD, putting disc back into computer, using a Windows 10 media disc I already had lying around, replacing RAM with others I had around, disconnecting/reconnecting CMOS battery, and powering up/down the computer several times. The splash screen shows "Press F2 for enter setup, F12 to enter MultiBoot Menu", and next to it is a progress bar. I've tried these functions and every other function under the sun with nothing happening (BIOS wont open, screen doesn't change). The progress bar stops at the 50% mark and just sits there. It will not progress any further and I've left it like that for almost an hour. Any ideas on what is causing this or is this computer dead?
What you've tried so far is a good set of troubleshooting steps but it's possible there's a device causing the system to hang on boot. Since you've already had trouble related to the HDD there's reason to be suspicious. I'd like you to try removing the HDD entirely and booting the laptop in that condition.
I don't have a spare HDD to put in but just taking out the drive and trying to boot gives me the same result with the progress bar stopping at 50%. My desktop computer still recognizes the disk and is able to partition and reformat it so the drive seems to be fine.
OK. What devices are attached to that system right now? Try to strip the system down as much as possible to attempt to identify a part causing this issue. If you're comfortable doing a bit of disassembly open it a bit (with no power source of course) and gently remove inernal cables one at a time for testing) Try on battery alone, or charger alone also.

When you reset the BIOS battery, was the main battery out also, and the charger disconnected? That method relies on all power sources being gone.
I've tried battery alone, charger alone, and unplugged the CMOS battery with no power sources attached and held power button to discharge static. I also did as asked and stripped down the computer unplugging peripheral devices (keyboard, trackpad, USB not soldered directly to the motherboard) and every other cable connected to the motherboard. I tried booting with different variations of connected cables but it always stops at half of the progress bar. Reassembled the entire computer with no luck progressing past the Lenovo screen.
Well then you'd seem to have eliminated everything but the board. At this point you can choose to put money into repairing this laptop or get a new one. Depending on how much you can invest in a new model you can get something thinner and lighter with better battery life and possibly a higher res screen, with somewhat better performance. On the other hand, if what I'm seeing on Google for V570 (2nd gen i5) is correct its still a system quite capable for mainstream tasks. Replacement parts can he found on ebay, and the model number of a laptop board is often found on a sticker under or near the memory slots.
I kind of thought it might be the board since it went from booting to not in a 10 second period and all I did was press the power button. Do you think it was something I did, or was it probably just coincidence that it happened while I was trying to reinstall Windows 10? I feel a little bad because it was my mothers laptop. I was just refreshing it because it had randsomware a couple of years ago she was not convinced was completely removed without wiping the HDD. Could be so many factors. She did use it 2-3 hours/day sitting on her pillow so the bottom vents were covered and the fan was noisy trying to cool it, it fell down the stairs years ago, and she said it had booting problems before (but not recently apparently). I'm going to tell her it's just time to upgrade. She got a good 8 years out of it. Thanks for the ideas on what to try. It even gave me experience tearing down a laptop which I've never done before, at least not to that detail.
From your description nothing you did sounds likely to have caused this issue. The fact the laptop was running hot for a while does point to possible damage done that way (if she will use it loosely that way, get a cooling tray for it). It could be a coincidence, or an odd unintended effect of something that you did or some combination of things; it's hard to tell when things go bad like that but that's the nature of electronics.
Hi Saint Fisher,

May I check to see if you managed to make any progress on your Lenovo?
I have exactly the same issue after a hard disk failure.

I thought it would be a straight forward issue of replacing the stuffed HD with a new SSD and then throw a new copy of Windows at it.
Problem is the machine won't POST and so it only gets to the LENOVO spash screen and then "Press F2 for enter setup, F12 to enter MultiBoot Menu"

This chap looks to have got somewhere with a problem with the UEFI NVRAM:

I still can't see how to make any changes to the machine without getting it to post first.

Did you solve your issues or simply bin it?