Why wont my Gaming laptop performe like its supposed to?.


Jan 9, 2018
Hello everyone.

So i bought a new gaming laptop. My specs are listed below :

GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz
16 GB of RAM
Windows 10

When i play games like Avorion , empyrion galactic survival and other games sometimes the fps is going below 60. Can you run it says i can play almost all games, it also says that my drivers are outdated but ive checked they are not.

So my question is how can i make my gaming laptop performe at its maximum?.

Well as it has a current gen GPU in it your laptop aint old. Those games are most likely not very optimised, i looked up a few lets play of them.

Also a GTX 1050TI is a GPU for high 1080p gaming at 60fps and maybe a bit higher on older games.

Try out some singleplayer games and you will see your GPU perform better. Multiplayer games can cause a GPU to lose FPS as the server is unable to transfer data fast enough across for your GPU to render the game in so the GPU can only spit out as much as the resources allows it to.
Yeah iam plugged in. I hope i will be aple to play sc in the future. Drivers are up to date but can you run it says the are not. When i go to power options there is only balanced and a razer option i have. there is no performance as you mentioned for some reason.
Could you please download afterburner (rivatuners comes with it as well). Look on youtube on how to set it up.

Then use it to monitor your games and then write below what your getting for GPU & CPU usage and their temps.

Most likely its the games fault, may not be optimised to use the newer hardware's resources as well as it should.

There should be a option called "show additional plans" under Power Options, click on that and turn on High Performance, that may help a little bit.
Thanks for your anwers guys. I did put high performance as i mention above. Right now iam busy so i cant check any games. When i do in a few hours i will let you all know.
Ok i dont know what i did and the game performs worse now. My resolution changed by its self when i was at the resolution tab. it has the reccomended one but i dont know the letters on my screen seem more tiny now. Its weird. What is going on..

Sounds like you somehow managed to increase the resolution, revert it back to what you had previously as with a higher resolution it will make the games perform worse. Also if you can post the make/model please.
Ok so please do the following...

-Set resolution to 1920x1080.
-Download/Install the newest Nvidia driver.
-When installing the driver make sure it installs the Nvidia Geforce Experience, you can skip the 3D monitor stuff but make sure to check the box to perform a clean installation.
-Once it's done installing use the Nvidia Geforce Experience to optimize games.
-If performance is still terrible then you may need to check the CPU/RAM usage and see if there's anything causing the poor performance.
-I would also scan for viruses with Windows Defender and use Malwarebytes Free to scan.

Also as a side note while the GTX 1050 ti is a good card I wouldn't expect high/ultra @1080P/60hz in most newer titles as it's still a budget card.

Also in your original post you say it says your system drivers were outdated but you made sure they were up to date, what program told you the drivers were out of date?