[SOLVED] Why wont my pc pick up both monitors?

May 29, 2020
I built my very first pc yesterday and have had dreams of doing a dual monitor but the computer won’t pick up my other monitor. I have watch videos about bios and everything under the sun with no luck so far because my bios is missing some settings even though its up to date. Someone please help me.
My pc parts:
Geforce Gtx 1660
Rog Strix B450-f gaming
500w thermaltake
AMD Ryzen 7 3800x
(Two) corsair stick of ram
Also my pc for some reason only shows through my graphics card hdmi and not within the motherboards hdmi.

This is normal, when using an add-on video card it's a waste to use motherboard video, even if the CPU has onboard video. Connect both monitors to the nVidia card.