Curiousginny :
Why would someone in Russia try to get into my email do they know who you are? Why?
You have not been following computer and identity security much, you will find that many people may try to get to your email, bank account, credit cards, any account that is out there to either try to steal money from you or to create fake identities and accounts in your name to launder money, hack into other systems, steal passwords.
With all the big data breaches that went on, eventually that data ends up on the hands of people that will use it. If they know your email, someone is likely at some point to try to get into it, then it's a small step to guess your account names and passwords for other things, use your email to send spam to your contacts, etc...
If you use the same user name and/or password in several sites, go to those sites and change the password to something unique to that site. If your bank password is same as your work email password and is the same as your personal email password all someone needs to get is one of those accounts, and you are done.