Wi-fi internet connection


Mar 3, 2010

I recently needed to undertake a re-installation of 32bit Vista.

The factory re-set took the pc back to its original installation.

I installed a wi-fi card after I bought the machine, and hence I cannot now connecto to my isp.

The card is installed, but I can't find the Edimax setup disk. All I can remember is the name of the card manufacturer (Edimax).

Can Vista resognise the card? If so, how?

If not, can I install a driver, remember that I cannot remember the driver details (the pc might know!).

At present, I am connecting to the Internt using a Ubuntu Livependrive, any download would need to be undertaken using this OS.


well if you click start, in the search bar type in DEVICE MANAGER open the manager and find NETWORK ADAPTERS, from there you can seee the wifi card you have inserted, now with that info you can google your specific cars drivers and download/install them. Update me on if that was any help. or if any additional assistance is required.

cheers. :)
i just saw that you ssaid ubuntu, unfortunately im unfamiliar with its OS so im of little help with finding the device manager, I know you can type in the terminal

spci [this lists pci devices]
lsusb [this lists usb devices]

or if its gnome, system >> preferences >> hardware information. same method but with linux.