Wi-fi stops working.


Aug 16, 2014
I know there are a ton of threads about this but i can't seem to find an answer that solves my problem:

We have 3 different computers using our Xfinity router, 1 Ethernet, the other 2 are upstairs using wi-fi. About 2 or 3 weeks after we got the router, we would lose the ability to connect to anything, despite it still saying we had internet. Any games currently running would STILL keep running with connection, chat rooms would still send messages just fine, but if we tried to browse or connect to something not already connected to, it would not work.

This ONLY happens to computers with Wi-fi, my mother using Ethernet is not affected.

Trying to access the router via browser (typing the IP into browser) will not connect, but will restart the router when it realizes i can't access the router's page.

Restarting the router fixes this problem.

The strangest thing is that this problem happens almost EXACTLY every 3 hours after the last router restart. I contact my brother over skype when the router needs to be restarted, and the times are consistent within 5-10 minutes.

UPDATE: It looks like the problem is interference coming from my brothers USB Wifi Adaptor. I woke up early and there were no problems for 4 hours. After my brother turned his computer on, the problems arrived about 1 hour 30 minutes later.
Any help on how to fix this?

Replaced it, nothing has changed.