So, since i got my pc about a year ago, i've been using only the base defenses of windows 7 (windows defender & microsoft security essentials). Recently schools around my country have been suffering from a virus that turns files in shortcuts. I never really had problems with any virus until now, because I was stupid enough to use my pendrive in the school pc's. Didnt have any choice anyway. Although i got my pen infected, my pc is fine, but i want to start making sure I'm safe. I use the pc mainly for gaming, but i also download regularly and browse a lot of social and anime related sites. So I decided to get any AV. There are really much choices when its comes to freeware. What should I get? I once had AVG premium, not anymore, and worked with avast but it was long before I had this pc. Any suggestions?
*Sorry for the long post
*Sorry for the long post