Wich crossbow is better for hunter?


Apr 1, 2004
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Some of the weapons has additional magic damage, like Heartseeking Crossbow.
How to interpretate this additional damage, is it per shot or DPS?

I am hunter and I am using Heartseeking Crossbow currently.
Since I completed boss quest in Alterac Valley Battleground I can take one
of the rewards: crossbow Bloodseeker
Polearm Ice Barbed Spear (the stats are at the end of this post).

Bloodseeker is great but this Polearm is great too and I am not sure wich
one should i choose?

Should I take Bloodseeker, sell Heartseeking and forget about Ice Barbed
take Ice Barbed Spear, keep Heartseeking and forget about Bloodseeker?

What would you do?

Heartseeking Crossbow
Binds when equipped
71 - 108 Damage Speed 3.10
+ 1 - 4 Shadow Damage
(29.7 damage per second)
+9 Agility
+4 Stamina
Durability 75 / 75
Requires Level 51
Sells for 2 Gold 94 Silver 44 Copper to vendors
Item Level 56

Binds when picked up
Ranged Crossbow
74 - 139 Damage Speed 3.30
(32.3 damage per second)
+8 Strength
+7 Agility
Durability 75 / 75
Sells for 4 Gold 41 Silver 71 Copper to vendors
Item Level 63

Ice Barbed Spear
Binds when picked up
Two-Hand Polearm
155 - 233 Damage Speed 3.60
(53.9 damage per second)
+13 Strength
+21 Agility
+20 Stamina
Durability 100 / 100
Sells for 7 Gold 33 Silver 53 Copper to vendors
Item Level 63
Archived from groups: alt.games.warcraft (More info?)

> Some of the weapons has additional magic damage, like Heartseeking
> Crossbow. How to interpretate this additional damage, is it per shot or
> DPS?

It's per shot and is counted in the listed DPS of the weapon.

> Heartseeking Crossbow
> 71 - 108 Damage Speed 3.10
> + 1 - 4 Shadow Damage
> (29.7 damage per second)


What you do is add your attack power to the base DPS to get your true
base DPS. For Hunters, 1 Agi = 1 Ranged Attack Power. 14 Attack Power =
1 DPS.


> Heartseeking Crossbow
> (29.7 damage per second)
> +9 Agility

Works out to 30.32 DPS

> Bloodseeker
> (32.3 damage per second)
> +7 Agility

Works out to 32.8 DPS, which is a clear win. Further the +8 Str will
give you (8/14) boost to your Melee DPS.

> Ice Barbed Spear
> +21 Agility

These stats still apply when you're using your crossbow and this is
still equipped. So you get a 1.5 DPS just for having this equipped
while you're shooting at things.

Btw, equipment that gives +X Attack Power applies to both Melee and


Dharzhak - Night Elf Druid (60) on Stormrage [PvE]
Kemwer - Tauren Warrior (28) on Stormrage [PvE]
Archived from groups: alt.games.warcraft (More info?)

On Thu, 9 Jun 2005 12:18:10 +0200, "Robert" <robertrado@NOSPAMwp.pl>
scribed into the ether:

>Some of the weapons has additional magic damage, like Heartseeking Crossbow.
>How to interpretate this additional damage, is it per shot or DPS?

Per shot. The added damage is already calculated into the DPS, but the
listed DPS for any weapon is vastly lower than what it actually does.

In the case of the Heartseeker bow, 1-4 points of damage from each hit will
not be subject to normal damage resistance from armor. Unless you are
shooting it at say, a Voidwalker, who will probably take almost no damage
from it.

>What would you do?
>Heartseeking Crossbow
>Binds when equipped
>71 - 108 Damage Speed 3.10
>+ 1 - 4 Shadow Damage
>(29.7 damage per second)
>+9 Agility
>+4 Stamina
>Durability 75 / 75
>Requires Level 51
>Sells for 2 Gold 94 Silver 44 Copper to vendors
>Item Level 56
>Binds when picked up
>Ranged Crossbow
>74 - 139 Damage Speed 3.30
>(32.3 damage per second)
>+8 Strength
>+7 Agility
>Durability 75 / 75
>Sells for 4 Gold 41 Silver 71 Copper to vendors
>Item Level 63
>Ice Barbed Spear
>Binds when picked up
>Two-Hand Polearm
>155 - 233 Damage Speed 3.60
>(53.9 damage per second)
>+13 Strength
>+21 Agility
>+20 Stamina
>Durability 100 / 100
>Sells for 7 Gold 33 Silver 53 Copper to vendors
>Item Level 63

For god's sake take the SPEAR. The Bloodseeker is a meager upgrade over the
Heartseeker, the bonus stats on that spear are *huge*. Plus, spears just
look great, and you can see them equipped along with your quiver at the
same time.

There are plenty of other bows to get. Try going for the Gorewood bow from
the quest series in the East Plaguelands. Not that difficult to get with a
fairly competant group...lots of XP for everyone, rewards that anyone can
use. Easier if you are Horde than Alliance, but it's about time *something*
Archived from groups: alt.games.warcraft (More info?)

Thx a lot for your response. I needed exactly this information.

Uzytkownik "Noal McDonald" <dharzhak@my-deja.com> napisal w wiadomosci
>> Some of the weapons has additional magic damage, like Heartseeking
>> Crossbow. How to interpretate this additional damage, is it per shot or
>> DPS?
> It's per shot and is counted in the listed DPS of the weapon.
>> Heartseeking Crossbow
>> 71 - 108 Damage Speed 3.10
>> + 1 - 4 Shadow Damage
>> (29.7 damage per second)
> ((71+1+108+4)/2)/3.10)=29.6774
> What you do is add your attack power to the base DPS to get your true
> base DPS. For Hunters, 1 Agi = 1 Ranged Attack Power. 14 Attack Power =
> 1 DPS.
> So....
>> Heartseeking Crossbow
>> (29.7 damage per second)
>> +9 Agility
> Works out to 30.32 DPS
>> Bloodseeker
>> (32.3 damage per second)
>> +7 Agility
> Works out to 32.8 DPS, which is a clear win. Further the +8 Str will
> give you (8/14) boost to your Melee DPS.
>> Ice Barbed Spear
>> +21 Agility
> These stats still apply when you're using your crossbow and this is
> still equipped. So you get a 1.5 DPS just for having this equipped
> while you're shooting at things.
> Btw, equipment that gives +X Attack Power applies to both Melee and
> Ranged.
> Regards,
> Noal
> --
> Dharzhak - Night Elf Druid (60) on Stormrage [PvE]
> Kemwer - Tauren Warrior (28) on Stormrage [PvE]