Wich is the best video card for my pc to play Battlefield 4?


Aug 19, 2014
I have a pc with the following specs
Intel Pentium g645 2.9Ghz dual core
4gb RAM
motherboard: MSI H61M-P20 socket: 1155
Nvidia geforce 8600gt 256mb VRAM.
Huntkey power adapter 350 Watt

I want to upgrade the processor to the Intel core i5 3350P and I also wanna upgrade the graphics card. I want to play Battlefield 4 at medium to high settings.(It would be nice if I could play it at ultra) I am a bit on a budget. For the graphics card I want to spend around 150-170 euros.(200-225 dollars) I was looking at the gtx 750 ti but I heard good stories about the Radeon R7 265 and that it gives better frames. So right now I dont know wich is a good video card? Should I go with Nvidia or AMD? Or just overall what would be a good card, not too expensive to play Battlefield 4 at some good settings? Does anyone know a video card that is not too expensive to play Battlefield 4 on some high settings but without having to replace my power adapter?(mine is only 350 Watt so if the card is inefficient I might have to replace the power adapter wich I wanna avoid in terms of costs)
If there is really a budget limit go with AMD , if not Nvidia makes GPUs better than AMD. BUT NOTE: for that GPU you will need to change the power supply to at least 500W


Here you go


But that's not a 1080p res. These framerates will be different if you choose different settings and different resolutions so don't rely on such charts

If it handles it better on a 1920p, chances are it's going to handle it better on a 1080p.


1080p has more viewing space in games, but you might be right. But why include a chart without the R7 265 when the topic is about that GPU. Atleast I don't see that GPU in the chart

1080p has more viewing space in games, but you might be right. But why include a chart without the R7 265 when the topic is about that GPU. Atleast I don't see that GPU in the chart
I recommend AMD GPUs, the Mantle API will give a nice boost in F4.

I would go for the R9 270, in price is very close to the R7 265 (+10 Euros aprox.)

And yes, you will have to get a 550W psu.