Wich version of GTX 960 should i buy


Nov 26, 2015
Hi guys,

There are lots of gtx 960 and i can't decide which one to buy. I want to play with good fps and also to be able to do oc but it has to be under 120mm because of the case.

I would recommend the EVGA GEFORCE GTX 970 SUPER SUPER CLOCKED (SSC) 4GB Acx 2.0. Not only is it cheaper than the 2Gb version on amazon currently cut q closed friend of mine play moat high end games on high to ultra graphics without a single worry. GAM s such as BF4 and Fallout 4 can be played in high with 55+ frames constant.

got a link?

I can't get an gtx 970 because the price my budget is limited and i just have 200€ for the gpu