Wicked TEMPS !! HD 6970


Jan 27, 2013
I upgraded to windows 10 and all of a sudden my GPU (HD 6970) Temps are idling at 90-100F and under load 130F while gaming. I believe this is a false reading because I use my computer everyday for a few hours and when I took the case cover off and touched the heatsink & backplate on my gpu its pretty cold so I don't understand how all of sudden my gpu skyrocketed it temps up.
this is my gpu: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202113
just got a second hand one from ebay to use for a few months until i've sold mine and got a better one. it was only £55 ebay.
it only got the reference cooler on it but under a stress test i get 91 degrees c with an average fps of 54 ish.
this is defo an accurate reading as i just put my finger on the back plate and OUCH!!! just a bit worried that if it get muct hotter ill one be defened by the cooler and 2 i don't want it melting !

yes I just checked Speccy and it shows it idling at 33c so MSI afterburner was giving me the wrong temps

wait nope it was right. 33c to F is around 90F 🙁
just got a second hand one from ebay to use for a few months until i've sold mine and got a better one. it was only £55 ebay.
it only got the reference cooler on it but under a stress test i get 91 degrees c with an average fps of 54 ish.
this is defo an accurate reading as i just put my finger on the back plate and OUCH!!! just a bit worried that if it get muct hotter ill one be defened by the cooler and 2 i don't want it melting !