
Feb 23, 2016
So my wifi adapter which is the netgear ac 1200 dual band, here is the link for ref:https://www.bestbuy.com/site/netgear-ac1200-dual-band-wifi-usb-3-0-adapter-black/8860004.p?skuId=8860004&cmp=RMX&extStoreId=1520&ref=212&loc=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwidPcBRCGARIsALM--eP_vcNTbyd6gERiwJynfxEN5BL1Zr4kVf3HFEro6JwsnHEP6WIMckUaAoRVEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds I have been using that wifi adapter to game on my network using the 5ghz network as the 2.4ghz network is not as smooth or fast for me since my router is upstairs. However just yesterday I was doing fine, gaming for like an hour until I had a sudden change in ping which shot up from 12 ms to 2000ms and basically made it unplayable. I checked my task manager and noticed that the wifi speed dropped all the way down to 0kbps. I restarted my pc and I thought everything was fine. I started to download a fortnite update and speed was more or less the same for the first 10 minutes. However that was when the speed hit 0kbps even though the download did not finish yet. Everything else became slow. This forced me to hop on the 2.4 ghz network which was less reliant and not as smooth for gaming. What is going on? I have never had this problem before. If my wifi adapter is dying of old age should I purchase a new one for my router upstairs, or should I try other options for smoother gaming such as a powerline adapter. Im not sure however if my house is compatible with it. TY for your time.

EDIT: I have realized that the speed on my 5ghz network does not slow down, rather the network keeps on randomly disconnecting than reconnecting which is causing the lagspikes.. Also if the network doesnt randomly disconnect it just says "no internet" and then a minute will pass and the internet will return but this happens randomly, any ideas?

How did you go I'm in similar situation ?