[SOLVED] wifi adaptor not detecting network

Mar 11, 2019

I have just bought a wifi adaptor ( https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07DJ67739/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 )

I'm using Windows 7 Home on a Desktop.

The machine recognises its a wifi adaptor as the icon at the bottom right changes from the ethernet symbol to the wifi symbol but with a red cross and says no connections are availbale.

I've tried refreshing the networks, turning the router on and off, reinstalling the most up to date drivers, moving it to a different USB port, disabling and re-enabling the device.

The router is working fine as all other devices pick it up perfectly.

There is a router connection prompt when I connected my phone for the first time but to get to that it must pick up the network - which it isn't.

Any help/advice gratefully appreciated.
You may have to enter IP address and DNS data manually according to router settings. May also to disable wired NIC because you can't have both at same time.