[SOLVED] wifi conection keep disconnect

Sep 23, 2018
I have a ASUS USB-AC68 USB WIFI adaptor. It worked fine, but since last week, this connecting problem arose. It keeps disconnected. I have no idea if this problem happened because of recent windows update. Does anyone have suggestion?
Which version of Windows 10 are you on? Assuming you're on Windows 10. Are you on the latest BIOS for your motherboard? Try uninstalling and reinstalling your wireless adapters drivers. If that doesn't work, try scouting the manufacturer's support page to see if you have updated drivers pending for install.
Which version of Windows 10 are you on? Assuming you're on Windows 10. Are you on the latest BIOS for your motherboard? Try uninstalling and reinstalling your wireless adapters drivers. If that doesn't work, try scouting the manufacturer's support page to see if you have updated drivers pending for install.