wifi connected but no internet


Jun 15, 2015
Need some wifi help guys. I'm running a desktop computer with a wifi adapter and it says it's connected with full strength but the Internet doesn't work. It has worked before for months but it rarely does now. Sometimes it won't connect at all and the windows trouble shooting won't help. I tried reformatting the c drive bc I thought it may be a virus I couldn't kick and it worked for a few hours after that but stopped. I also tried buying a new adapter which doesn't work at all. The wifi always works fine on my phone and on other devices in the house.

I'm running windows 7 and my ipv4 and ipv6 settings are set to get an ip automatically
What output do you get when you run a command prompt window and type ipconfig?

Try opening the network control panel, manage wireless networks, and delete your network. Then restart and reacquire your network and enter the passkey.

I would also download and run a free wireless analyzer on the problem machine from HERE. Once installed check the network tab for other signals that are strong and close to your channel.

How far from the wireless router is your computer and how many walls or floors are in between? 2.4GHz or 5GHz?
When I type ipconfig it says:

Link-local ipc6 address - fe80::a5b9d782:83ef:c7bd%14
Ipv4 address
Subnet mask -
Default gateway -

I tried deleting network and restarting to no success. I won't be able get that program you mentioned until tomorrow because my only other Internet device is my phone and I can't get downloads from my phone to my computer bc blackberry link sucks.

I live in basement apartment and the modem/router is right above me. I'm not sure if it's 2.4 or 5ghz (I've texted to find out) but the modem/router and computer have not moved since everything was in constant working order. The wifi signal strength is 4/5 bars
Well you are getting assigned a proper IP address by the gateway, so you are making some minimal connection.

The results from inSSIDer will help but signal strength is usually fairly poor directly above or below a wireless radio as they output in somewhat of a doughnut shape laterally but not much up and down. Also the materials in a floor are usually far more difficult to penetrate than a typical wall.
Through fiddling I've managed to get it working again and it has been for the last 24 hours or so. I will report back when and if it goes down again. I have downloaded that program in the event it does

Does it make sense that it will work for weeks at a time the cut out for hours or even days?
Are you using a wifi adapter card or USB adapter?
Do you have access to the router to configure it? Thinking you could get in there and change the channel (I like 11). If it is set to a channel already you could try setting it to Auto.
Baby monitor will interfere and so will cordless phones.
If the router and your adapter support 5G you could setup a 5G wireless network and see if that helps.
Sure, not only are there other surrounding networks, but 2.4GHz is also used in many other wireless devices (like baby monitors, wireless mice, speakers, headphones, keyboards, etc.) and from channel 4 or 5 up can be severely affected by microwave ovens.

You cannot predict when a number of such devices will degrade your signal enough to interrupt your network wireless for short or long periods of time.

And as I said in my earlier post, run inSSIDer to determine if , 6, or 11 is the best channel for you based on surrounding networks.

My net started working again for no reason and has been fine up until a few days ago and hasn't worked at all. Still works fine on my phone. I installed inSSIDer and it the signal strength is a green line ranging from 50 to 60 most of the time on channel 1. Would switching channels help or is my signal strength fine? I don't have direct access to router and the people that do aren't the easiest to deal with so I don't want to bother unless I'm sure it'll be worth the bother.