Wifi Dropping Randomly - Event ID 11004: "Wifi Security Stopped"

Oct 31, 2018

I have been having a problem with my wifi connection dropping (seemingly) randomly. I had been in contact with my ISP and none of their solutions had helped at all and I even got in contact with Microsoft via Twitter and followed their suggestions with no fix. Prior to this, I also spent days searching almost every single forum, website and blog post about this issue with no fixes working for me. I have also tried changing the power settings, updating my network adapter drivers, resetting my IP config options, refreshing my IP lease times via my router settings, splitting AND changing the channels of the WiFi amongst MANY other things.

I have managed to whittle the problem down to something in the Windows (7) Event Viewer tool. At the time when my wifi connection drops, it logs Event ID 11004 with the description "Wifi Security Stopped". It is also worth noting that only my PC is having this issue -- No one else on the network in the home is having this problem.

I had read one post about someone having this same issue and reported that it was due to a neighbour hacking their network(?) and managed to catch them in the act and after dealing with it, the issue seemed to be resolved. This naturally has me worried that if none of the technical suggestions have worked that someone is doing this on my network too?

I hope that someone is able to assist me with this as it is becoming quite a persistent headache. To top it off, I've tried posting on the Microsoft Community well over 10 times now through different browsers and devices and it simply does NOT progress after clicking "Submit".
That is a wrong Event ID. I mean it's standard event AFTER the actual disconnect from wireless network: you disconnected-->security stopped. You need to look for an event that preceeded it.

it could be something like this: "WLAN AutoConfig service has successfully disconnected from a wireless network. Event ID 8003 Reason: The network is disconnected by the driver."

Is it happening only on one machine? Can you narrow it down to your laptop or other devices will have this issue also? It's not due to a hacked router if only one device have this issue.

I had a quick look on the Event Viewer again and yes, the Event ID "8003" does occur as well (though it is listed as happening 10 seconds after the 11004 ID). From my understanding, my PC is the only device that is having this issue as well, yes.
Interestingly, I hadn't applied many additional fixes since writing the original post (the last thing I remember doing was resetting my IP Config, I believe?), yet I haven't experienced the drops for the last 3 days now. Hopefully that has resolved this issue, though I fully expect to respond to this reply in a few hours remarking about "oh it's gone again".
I hadn't encountered any issues since my last post here (3rd November) until today. At 13:18pm, I had a disconnect; the same as before; the event viewer lists the same things as I mentioned previously. Except this time, it has happened EVERY HOUR since; 14:18pm and 15:18pm.

I didn't change anything relating to the network settings since my last post; the most recent change before I had the disconnecting issues today was updating my NVidia drivers (but I can't imagine that being responsible?).

Any thoughts?
It does not have to be your neighbor hacking your system it maybe as simple as they are using their wifi a lot more and the signals is interfering with yours. Depending on location of devices and construction of the house some devices may be affected more than others.

It could be a defective wifi card but that is not common. Maybe microsoft pushed out some garbage again with a patch. Make sure you have the drivers for the card from the manufacture and turn on the option that prevents update of device drivers....microsoft still ignores this option at times. I really wish the guys who sent out a bad update had to go to peoples houses for 12 months and fix machines maybe they would be more careful when it affects their live too.

I had a couple of drops today so I decided to do another round of Google searching and it occurred to me that I never ONCE tried to see if the specific network adapter that I am using is faulty in some way.

So, I did exactly that; I am using a NETGEAR A6210 USB 3.0 Network Adapter and it appears that lots of people also have had this issue, notably while gaming, like myself. I followed a video tutorial that a chap posted about turning on Multimedia/Gaming Environment settings which apparently fixed the issue for him (and I am yet to see any changes).