Wifi & Ethernet Keep Disconnecting?


Jul 12, 2014
By disconnecting I mean with the Yellow warning symbol on your network icon, which means no internet access.

Back story: About 2 years ago we changed our modem because we had an issue like this but the old one was like 10 years old. Now we have a Surfboard SB6121. We also have had this new router for about 3 years which is a Linksys E2500.

Problem: Wifi and Ethernet both show yellow warning symbol and the modem isnt connecting to the Upstream. Finally, the modem has been connected no problem for over a day but still receive randoms yellow symbols, sometimes the internet comes back within 30 seconds or sometimes it will last for a long period of time. Last night we put the ethernet straight from modem into the computer that normally has an ethernet from the modem>router>computer. Had no issues in about 10 minutes. Switched back, issues stated above persisted.

However, I noticed on my modem the signal has -11dBmV downstream power level and 54 dBmV upstream power level. While also in the logs shows many 3-Critical's such as " Unicast Ranging Received Abort Response..." and "No Ranging Response Received..."

Conclusion: I am not quite sure if it is a problem on our end or some of Cox's cables outside. I want to be sure it isn't a problem with our cables or hardware while also being able to learn more about networking since I am a student of Computer Science major.
Your power level is just bellow the "good" threshold which should be -7 or no less then -10.

I know some ISPs don't play nice with the 6121, not sure if cox was one of them.

Hook your modem backup straight to pc and get cox out to look at line signal levels.

There is a possibility you have a bad modem or router but until we get the line signals in spec it will be very difficult to troubleshoot.


Jul 12, 2014

Okay i will keep in touch.

EDIT: Am I able to give you the bonding channel values? Currently there is a -9dBmV downstream power level and the modem has been working fine.

So before I get charged from Cox coming out here to tell me something is wrong, i have 4 choices that seem plausible.

1) Ethernet cable from modem to router is messed up.
2) Router is failing in some way.
3) Cox is purposely messing with our connection.
4) Outside cables have issues, Cox's problem.
If you are getting errors on your modem when connected modem straight to computer then there is an issue with either the modem, the coax or the connection.
Errors at the modem can not be a result of your router, your PC, or any ethernet cable. It is an issue with either the modem or the connection coming into the modem.

While your router could be having issues, you need to know that everything up to the router is working correctly first.


Jul 12, 2014
Well we hooked the modem directly to the computer and so far no issues in over an hour which by now, we wouldve lost internet about 5 times. So, with that, i now see that either the router or ethernet to the router is having issues.
Do you have any errors in the logs with the modem connected direct to PC?

It could be that your router immediately acts to a drop in connectivity from ISP while modem is sluggish to do so.

If no errors then yeah I would suspect router. Here is my pics:
$150 range: Asus RT-AC68U (or R or W or P) - AC1900. I have the P variant and I love it.
$100 range: TP-Link archer C7 - AC1750
$50 range: TP-Link WDR3600 - N600


Jul 12, 2014

Well, I decided to use to a different ethernet cable from the computer to the router after having no issues from direct modem to computer. Since I used a new ethernet cable there have been absolutely no problems with internet and no errors on the modem.