Wifi Extender Keeps disconnecting

May 30, 2018
I have a TP-Link TL-WA850RE WIFI extender and I use it with my gaming pc. I usually get good ping 50-60 however every now and again the ethernet light on the extender will turn off and I will be disconnected from the internet. I am connected to the extender via an ethernet cable. I was wondering what the problem might be and how should I fix it. Things I've tried include:

  • Reinstalling internet drivers
    Getting a new ethernet cable
If one end of the ethernet cable is in your wifi extender, where does the other end connect to? You may also want to see if you have any firmware updates pending. If you're connected from a router in your home off the ethernet cable, make sure the firmware on the router is also up to date. You may need to tinker with which firmware update is glitchy since I can tell you for a fact that on some Netgear routers, they don't like to work with all the latest firmware updates, to which I simply revert to the last known stable update.
If one end of the ethernet cable is in your wifi extender, where does the other end connect to? You may also want to see if you have any firmware updates pending. If you're connected from a router in your home off the ethernet cable, make sure the firmware on the router is also up to date. You may need to tinker with which firmware update is glitchy since I can tell you for a fact that on some Netgear routers, they don't like to work with all the latest firmware updates, to which I simply revert to the last known stable update.