Question Wifi network name change and password disappeared.

Feb 29, 2024
i lost internet connection last night and today got home from work and family tells me that our wifi network does not show up. i looked and it was changed to netgear2g and netgear5g and there was no password. i think my router firmware was auto updated over night. will that change my wifi information?
Feb 29, 2024
are you sure your family didn't reset the router?
anyway. yes update firmware will change wifi info
no family did not reset. they dont knw how. wifi went out last night while everyone was in bed. so i think thats when the router firmware updated.



Make and model modem?

Make and model Netgear router?

= = = =

And I will ask was the router's default configuration ever changed from the default configuration to begin with?

Simply login as the router admin with the applicable password. Change both admin login and password.

If you cannot do so then physically do another router factory reset then login with the router's default admin login and password.

Change both to an admin name and password of your choosing. Do not reuse any earlier login names or passwords.