So I woke up, got on my gaming rig I built almost 2 years ago, and my wifi would not turn on. I trouble shooted more then ten times, do everything I could think of. Then I decided to check on device manager to see if any devices were not functioning properly. I disabled a few things and checked to see if anything was fixed, then re enabled if it did not. When I disabled the Killer e2400 Gigbit Ethernet controller, my wifi suddenly started working. I wanted to see what would happen if I re enabled it, but when I tried, device manager crashed and it wouldn't enable. I checked back on it and it said
This device cannot start. (Code 10)
{Operation Failed}
The requested operation was unsuccessful.
I know Ethernet has nothing to do with wifi, I actually use to use Ethernet but we moved into a house with no connection ports for the Ethernet cable ;-;. I bought a wifi card that I was recommended and it has worked perfectly. This is not the first time my PC had trouble connecting, but it is the first time it refused to connect all together. Any thoughts? Is it the Killer e2400 at fault or something else?
This device cannot start. (Code 10)
{Operation Failed}
The requested operation was unsuccessful.
I know Ethernet has nothing to do with wifi, I actually use to use Ethernet but we moved into a house with no connection ports for the Ethernet cable ;-;. I bought a wifi card that I was recommended and it has worked perfectly. This is not the first time my PC had trouble connecting, but it is the first time it refused to connect all together. Any thoughts? Is it the Killer e2400 at fault or something else?