Question Wifi Physically Disconnected


Jul 6, 2016

I am not entirely sure if this in the right place, so if it is not, I apologize!
Back in 2016 I got a HP Pavilion 15-au063nr. As I'm told, these things have horrible hinges, and in the process of waiting for screws the Realtek chip disconnected physically. I found this when someone opened up my laptop to replace the fan, as originally I just thought my computer was struggling with my wifi, as it did not drop suddenly and only progressively got worse over time before stopping completely.
So, I have no internet, and I have been trying to live off of a Wifi adapter I bought online. It works fine, but given that I like to play little games on my computer it's been hard.

I am curious if anyone has any advice to reconnect the wifi chip. There is a little wire I am assuming connects to the chip, but it does not fit in-between where I would assume it would be (the gap is too large for it to clip in like I've seen in other videos for other laptops). I have not been able to find any help for my specific computer and how to reattach it physically, since most of the problems I find online are not physical disconnection.

When the laptop was open I took a photo of the chip, as well as the little wire that I felt should've connected.

(Yes, I see there is some cat hair on the computer, but everything was cleaned out carefully after the fan was replaced).

Thank you for any and all help.
Not really sure where the issue would be, there is a connection to that cable on the top right of the card, that black wire has a matching connector on it. One thing you need to watch out for, it's small and the metal is pretty soft in them, and thin, so it can be pushed out of shape easily on either side, then it won't fit over the connection anymore. They usually have two cables though, there is only one in yours? I don't remember seeing a system with only one cable.
The cable you see is NOT a connection of the wifi card to the motherboard, it is an aerial.

I agree there normally is two aerial cables that connect to the plugs 1 and 2 on the wifi card, but I have seen rare computers that only have one cable. Have a good look there is not another cable lying close by.

Your wifi card will still be seen by the computer, because it is still plugged into the motherboard, to disconnect it, undo the screw, tilt it up a little and pull it out.

But it will not be connecting to any networks, as the aerial is disconnected.

It should go onto no. 1 plug. Get a magnifying glass and look at the plug and the cable carefully. You will see the shape of both connectors. They just clip together, but be gentle. Place the aerial cable plug carefully in position, and push down, and they will clip together.

And now you should have signal again.