I'm having WiFi problems in my room currently. This has never happened before, had perfect connection considering how far from the router I am. Next to the router, my devices(PS4 laptop etc) perform at the 40mbps that we have. Before the problem I'd get about 20mbps in my room. I haven't changed anything apart from new devices at Christmas etc, but when turned off they make no difference to the problem. My router is a plusnet 2704n. Currently I am only getting less than 1mbps, and can't even connect to online games/psn. Thanks in advance.
I'm having WiFi problems in my room currently. This has never happened before, had perfect connection considering how far from the router I am. Next to the router, my devices(PS4 laptop etc) perform at the 40mbps that we have. Before the problem I'd get about 20mbps in my room. I haven't changed anything apart from new devices at Christmas etc, but when turned off they make no difference to the problem. My router is a plusnet 2704n. Currently I am only getting less than 1mbps, and can't even connect to online games/psn. Thanks in advance.