Wifi Problems with new computer


Apr 29, 2014
I built a new computer last week and I put it downstairs, my router is upstairs. I bought this card so I could connect to the internet: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/tp-link-wireless-network-card-tlwdn4800

My connection sits at 3 bars and sometimes goes to 4, never 5 though. Once I was playing league of legends and my ping went so high that I had to stop playing. I logged onto my laptop and played the game with no issues, my laptop is 5 years old. What is wrong with the internet? Is it my card or my router? Or did I forget something. Why does my laptop have a better connection when it is so old?

this is my router: http://www.amazon.com/Belkin-AC1000-Wireless-Gigabit-Generation/dp/B008982LFW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1399568786&sr=8-1&keywords=belkin+router+ac1000

My computer build: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Eoin77/saved/4wrO

Thanks for any help!
this is going to be hard to explain but please level with me.

interference in WLAN signal and deadspots in your preferred place to put the computer, even if you use your laptop at the exact spot as the computer in question the results may vary due to the different components that receive the signal.

for example, as of now I'm 3 feet away from my router, yet my neighbor has a stronger signal.
Yes it is facing a wall. I just flipped it around and the connection is at 4 bars more often, which doesn't seem great, but I will test it out for a bit. More thoughts still appreciated.

Thanks for the help so far.
Is my router bad? It's a pretty new router. I just bought Bioshock Infinite on steam and the it is taking forever and it says the download rate is 300 kb/s which is really slow. Whats a better router?